Meschia J, Arnett DK, Ay H, Brown Jr RD, Benavente O, Cole W, de Bakker PI, Dichgans M, Doheny KF, Fornage M, Grewal RP, Gwinn K, Jern C, Jiménez Conde J, Johnson JA, Jood K, Laurie CC, Lee JM, Lindgren A, Markus HS, McArdle P, McClure LA, Mitchell BD, Schmidt R, Rexrode KM, Rich SS, Rosand J, Rothwell PM, Rundek T, Sacco R, Sharma P, Shuldiner AR, Slowik A, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Sudlow C, Thijs VN, Woo D, Worrall B, Wu O, Kittner J
*, on behalf of the NINDS SiGN Study.
Stroke Genetics Network (SiGN) Study: Design and Rationale for a Genome-Wide Association Study of Ischemic Stroke Subtypes. Stroke 2013; 44(10): 2694-2702.