Detall de la convocatòria


Característiques principals
Research grants provide young foreign academics and scientists with an opportunity to carry out a research project or a course of continuing education and training at a German state (public) or state-recognised higher education institution or non-university research institute. The prime goal is the funding of the doctoral dissertation. Specifically, this grant serves the following purposes:
  • research projects at a German higher education institution for the purpose of gaining a doctorate in the country of origine (this includes the doctoral programmes offered for developing and transformation countries under the "DAAD Sandwich Model" - see Information Leaflet, which is also available on the Internet;
  • research projects at a German university for the purpose of gaining a doctorate in Germany; for projects of these kinds, we would particularly refer to the structured doctoral study programmes, such as Research Training Groups or Doctoral Research Groups, International Postgraduate Programmes, Graduate Schools, Max Planck Research Schools, etc. Please go to the following website for further information:;
  • research projects or continuing education and training, but without aiming for a formal degree/qualification.
  • Lloc de presentació
    Applications must be submitted to the DAAD Information Centre Madrid:
    c/o Goethe Institute - planta 3, Calle Zurbarán 21, 28010 Madrid, Spain
    Tel.: 0034/91 702 49 20, Fax: 0034/91 702 49 20, E-Mail:, WWW:<
    Lloc de presentació
    El personal de l'IMIM i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
    Servei de Recerca. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.05.76.
    Marta López: Ext.: 1576
    Carol Barnwell: Ext.1670
    Convocatòria (URL)
    Specific information for applicant from medical fields:<
  • Applications for DAAD research grants are open to excellently-qualified university graduates who hold a Diplom or Master's degree at the time they commence the grant-supported research and, in exceptional cases, graduates holding a Bachelor's degree or already holding a doctorate/PhD (post-docs).
  • It is required that doctoral candidates wishing to take a doctorate/PhD in their home country will already have been admitted to an appropriate course at their home university.
  • The application papers must generally include written confirmation of academic supervision by a professor in Germany and expressly refer to the applicant's project, thereby confirming that the host institute will provide a workplace. If the applicant is planning to complete a doctorate at the German host university, the letter of confirmation must come from the academic supervisor (Doktorvater/Doktormutter) for the applicant's doctoral programme/thesis.
  • Applicants who intend to gain their doctorate within the scope of a structured doctoral study programme are required to present a letter of admission from their study programme or at least proof that they are being considered for admission.
  • Besides previous study achievements, the most important selection criterion is a convincing and well-planned research or continuing education and training project to be completed during the stay in Germany and which has been coordinated and agreed with an academic supervisor at the chosen German host institute.
  • German language skills are generally required, although the required level also depends on the applicant's project and topic, as well as on the available opportunities for learning German in the applicant's home country. In the natural sciences and in engineering disciplines, in particular, and when English is spoken at the host institute, proof of good English language skills may also be accepted. The DAAD decides on a case-by-case basis whether the applicant can attend a German language course before beginning the research grant (free of charge for the award holder). This option is only available for research grants lasting more than six months. Besides, the internet-based language course "Deutsch-Uni Online (DUO)" is recommended to help improve the German language skills. For scholarship holders with funding to run for more than six months, the DAAD will pay the course fees for six months as from their receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter. Furthermore, scholarship holders with funding to run for more than six months can apply to the DAAD for a subsidy towards a personally chosen German course. Further information will be included with the Scholarship Award Letter. The country-specific information on the DAAD homepage will tell you which language skills are required from applicants from your home country.
  • At the time of application, generally no more than six years should have passed since gaining the last degree; in the case of doctoral students, no more than three years should have passed since starting the doctoral process; and in the case of postdocs, no more than two years should have passed since gaining the doctorate. In the case of postdocs who are applying for a short stay (of up to six months), no more than four years should have passed since gaining the doctorate. Depending on the country of origin of applicants, for example, special conditions prevailing in the home country education system, etc., exceptions are possible. The country-specific information on the DAAD homepage will provide you with more detailed information.
  • Applicants, who have been resident in Germany for longer than 15 months at the time of application, cannot be considered.
  • Special note for medical students: The special leaflet "Additional information on DAAD-research-grants for applicants from medical fields" provides information on specific requirements (also available on the Internet
  • Dotació
    Monthly award of 750 euros (graduates holding a first degree) or 1,000 euros (doctoral candidates).
    Between one and ten months. In the case of full doctoral programmes in Germany for up to three years, and in exceptions for up to a maximum of four years.

