Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
The goal of the LCRP is to eradicate deaths from lung cancer to better the health and welfare of the military and the American public. As such, the LCRP will support and integrate research from multiple disciplines for risk assessment, early detection, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment for the control and cure of lung cancer.
Característiques principals
To be considered for funding, applications for the FY13 LCRP Idea Development Award must address at least one of the seven Areas of Emphasis listed below.
  • Identify or develop noninvasive or minimally invasive tools to improve the detection of the initial stages of lung cancer.
  • Identify, develop, and/or building upon already existing tools for screening or early detection of lung cancer. Screening may include, but is not limited to, computed tomography scans, X-rays, imaging biomarkers, genetics/genomics/ proteomics/metabolomics, and assessment of risk factors.
  • Understand the molecular mechanisms of progression to clinically significant lung cancer.
  • Understand the molecular mechanisms that lead to various subtypes of lung cancer.
  • Identify innovative strategies for prevention and treatment of early lung cancer.
  • Understand predictive and prognostic markers to identify responders and nonresponders.
  • Understand susceptibility or resistance to treatment.

    The LCRP is currently accepting applications for three award mechanisms. Each award mechanism has different deadlines, funding limits and eligibility requirements. Please consult the Synopsis of LCRP FY2013 Award Mechanisms document in order to find the most convenient mechanism for your research project. You will find the complete information on the selected mechanism in the corresponding Program Announcement.
  • Lloc de presentació
    El personal de l'IMIM i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
    Servei de Recerca. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
    Carol Barnwell: Ext.: 1670
    Marta López: Ext.: 1576
    Convocatòria (URL)
    Synopsis of PCRP Award Mechanisms:
    Program Announcements:
    Different funding depending on the award mechanism. Please check the Synopsis of PCRP Award Mechanisms or the Program Announcement.
    All award mechanisms require a Pre-application through the CDMRP eReceipt System ( Deadline June 20, 2013 (Idea Development Award, Career Development Award) and July 9th, 2013 (Clinical Exploration Award)
    Succesfull pre-applications will be invited to submit a full application submission through ( October 16 2013

