Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
JPIAMR is a unique global collaborative platform that coordinates national funding and research to address antimicrobial resistance.
Característiques principals
The Call on Diagnostics and Surveillance 2019 will fund joint transnational research projects addressing the development of diagnostic and surveillance tools, technologies and methods to detect antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Projects should address the diagnosis of AMR infections in clinical and veterinary settings, or the surveillance of AMR in humans, animals and the environment. The call promotes projects with impact in low and middle income countries (LMICs) in Asia and Africa.

Projects should aim to either:
  • Develop strategies, tools, technologies, and methods for the detection, monitoring, profiling and/or surveillance of antimicrobial resistance and dynamics leading to resistance.
  • Study ways to facilitate and implement the uptake and use of existing strategies, tools, technologies, and/or methods for the detection, monitoring, profiling and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance and dynamics leading to resistance.
  • Lloc de presentació
    El personal de l'IMIM i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
    Servei de Recerca. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.05.76.
    Marta López: Ext.: 1576
    Carol Barnwell: Ext.1670
    Convocatòria (URL)
    Submission Tool:
    Informació addicional
    The JPIAMR member countries contributing funding are: Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden
    Consortia must include a minimum of three and a maximum of six project partners from at least three eligible countries.
    Applicants must adhere to the specific regulations of their national funding organisation.
    For Spanish participants, up to 100,000 € per partner (overheads included) or up to 175,000 € per coordinator (overheads included).
    Maximum of three years.
    The call is made at European level but each partner of the consortium is funded by its national funding agency and must follow its national funding rules. Spanish participants are funded by ISCIII. There are eligibility requirements for the institutions and principal investigators funded by ISCIII. (please see annex B of the Call text) For Spanish applicants funded by ISCIII: after the evaluation at European level, successful applicants will be invited to submit an application to ISCIII. Due to the complexity of the call, if you are interested in submitting an application we strongly recommend that you contact the Servei de Recerca well in advance of the deadline..


    JPI-AMR_Call-text_2019_Diagnostics-and-Surveillance_final_2018-12-06 (1).pdf
    JTC_2019_Pre-proposal_template_Diagnostics_final_2018-12-05 (1).docx