Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
NYSCF is soliciting applications from early career investigators, with the potential to transform the field of stem cell research, for awards to be used for exploring the basic biology and translational potential of stem cells.
Característiques principals
NYSCF has a renewed focus on supporting scientists who have just started their independent laboratories and strongly encourages candidates seeking to secure their first major grant funding as an independent investigator. NYSCF is also eager to diversify the institutions supported through these grant awards and strongly encourages candidates from a wide range of geographies and institutions around the world to apply.
Lloc de presentació
El personal de l'IMIM i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a:
Servei de Recerca. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
Carol Barnwell: Ext.: 1670
Marta López: Ext.: 1576
Convocatòria (URL)

To be eligible, candidates must:
  • Have completed one or more of the following degrees: MD, PhD, DPhil
  • Be within 6 years of starting a faculty (professorship) or comparable position on June 1, 2021(Note: an additional year of eligibility was added as a result of the COVID-19 crisis)
  • Have demonstrated ability to independently supervise staff and research
  • Have a publication record containing articles that are innovative and high impact

    In addition, since routes to independence vary significantly outside of the United States, candidates based at institutions outside the United States should consider the following when assessing their eligibility:
  • Do they write grants in their own name?
  • Do they report directly to funding agencies rather than a senior colleague?
  • Do they supervise their own graduate students and/or postdocs?
    If the answer to any of these questions is yes, and the candidate has also met the other eligibility criteria, he/she may be eligible to apply. NYSCF Staff is available to provide additional information on eligibility.
  • Dotació
    Up to $1.5 million over 5 years
    Up to five years.

    All applications must be submitted through NYSCF’s online grant management system. To create an account and submit your application, please visit:

    The application components include:
  • Contact details and other relevant administrative information.
  • A one-page summary of the candidate’s research accomplishments and the central directions of lab Please note: this is a career development award, not a project specific award, and funds may be used at the discretion of applicants to increase the impact of their research, subject to the terms of the award letter.
  • A research plan representative of the types of projects being undertaken in the candidate’s lab, of not more than 7 pages, including embedded figures, that contains a summary, goals, experimental design, timeline, significance and relevance to the field. References will not count towards the page limit.
  • The candidate’s curriculum vitae, not to exceed 3 pages
  • A list of the candidate’s five most significant publications
  • 3 letters of reference, which must be submitted in the online system by the application deadline
  • Details of other secured and pending financial support
  • Applications from candidates based at institutions outside the US should also include a letter from the appropriate administrative institutional official confirming the candidate’s eligibility, good standing, and that if selected; the candidate would be able to accept the award.
  • Applicants must submit an institutional report card for gender equality in order for the application to be considered complete. Details and FAQ’s can be found at

    All applications must provide assurance of compliance with local research regulatory bodies and with local laws in advance of the award start date. Additionally, for applications using human embryonic stem cells, human tissue, or human trials, the candidate must obtain appropriate Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee (ESCRO) and human subjects research approvals in advance of the award start date.
  • Arxius
