Detall de la convocatòria
Característica |
Objectiu de la convocatòria
The Prize is awarded annually to one young scientist for outstanding life science research for which he/she was awarded a doctoral degree in the previous two years. Topics:Cell and Molecular Biology; Genomics, Proteomics and Systems Biology approaches; Ecology and Environment; Molecular Medicine. |
Lloc de presentació
El personal de l'IMIM i PSMAR que necessiteu més informació adreceu-vos a: Servei de Recerca. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.05.76. Marta López: Ext.: 1576 Carol Barnwell: Ext.1670 |
Convocatòria (URL) Prize management system: |
- Cell and Molecular Biology: research in this category includes cellular and molecular processes at levels ranging from single molecule to single cell to tissue and organ systems, - Genomics, Proteomics and Systems Biology approaches: Research in this category focuses on genomics, proteomics, integrative omics and systems biology approaches, including computational, to facilitate comprehensive understanding of living cells, organisms and species, - Ecology and Environment: research in this category encompasses interactions between organisms and their environment, and how these processes are influenced by human activity, - Molecular Medicine: research in this category aims at building on the molecular understanding of disease in humans to develop preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, including individualized medicine. |
Prize money: US$30,000 for the grand prize winner, US$10,000 for each of the category winners. Publication: The grand prize winning essay will be published in Science and essays from the each of the category winners will be published online. |
The entrant must submit the following items: - Full citations of all published or in press papers on the research described in the essay; - Academic and professional awards and honors that the entrant has received; and - Relevant professional experience. The Entry Form and additional submission materials must be submitted electronically through the prize management system. |
Arxiu |
Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists _ Science _ AAAS.pdf |