Característica |
Objectiu de la convocatòria
The aim of the call is to promote research training for residents who can help strengthen the critical research
mass at the PSMAR.
Característiques principals
In 2022, three one-year research grants will be awarded. This year, the three grants will be co-financed by
the IMIM and the candidate’s Group/Service/Programme.
Lloc de presentació
Per a més informació adreceu-vos a:
Servei de Recerca. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.05.76.
Marta López: Ext.: 1576
PSMAR residents who finish their residence in 2022 and who are part of the research groups of IMIM, may
apply. In exceptional cases, PSMAR residents who have completed their residence in previous years may also
Priority will be given to those candidates who have applied to the Rio Hortega contract call 2022.
The application must be endorsed and signed by the principal investigator of the research project and also by
the candidate’s supervisor, who must have a doctoral degree or accredited experience in research and belong
to one of the IMIM research groups. Principal investigators and supervisors may or may not be the same
person, but the principal investigator should be an IMIM researcher.
It shall be for one year and the candidate shall begin the placement on 1 September, 2022
The following documentation must be received:
Full application form, which should be signed by the candidate, the supervisor and the principal investigator (PI) of the research project.
CV of the candidate (preferably in CVA-ISCIIII format).
Academic record of the candidate.
CV of the supervisor (in the form provided in this call).
Rio Hortega grant documentation (in the case this has been submitted).
An overview of the research project to be carried out by the candidate, including the following sections: objectives, method, expected results, and the possibilities for publishing results derived from the placement or continued collaboration with the research project. This shall be a maximum of three pages long, using the form provided in this call.
A presentation letter from the candidate signed by the supervisor. The letter should state whether the funded research project is the thesis project of the candidate or not. Report by the Head of Service endorsing the proposal and setting out the possible prospects for integrating the candidate into the PSMAR staff.
A signed commitment by the Head of Service/Group/Programme to pay 50% of the cost of the gross salary of the grant, €13,706.72). (Included on the application form).
Candidates should submit their application and documentation to the IMIM Grants and Contracts Management
Service no later than 19th May, at 1 pm (email:; an electronic signature is mandatory
(COMB certificate, FNMT or DNIE).
This grant is incompatible with any other type of public employment contract, with the exception of being on
call, which can be a maximum of 4 times per month or the equivalent in attendance hours. In either case
these will be paid by the candidate’s Service and/or Research Group.