Detall de la convocatòria


Objectiu de la convocatòria
Highly innovative and ambitious collaborative projects in translational cancer research at European and international level.
Característiques principals
Proposals must be centred on one or more of the HTTC subtypes characterised by very poor prognosis (5-year survival rate<25%) and for which survival has not improved significantly over the last decades.
The specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to stimulate new partnerships between researchers and clinicians and support original, high-quality projects, which have the potential for significant clinical impact on HTTC prognosis. The expected outcome of the call is to improve the efficacy of current diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of HTTC, through the development of novel personalized approaches based on a better understanding of the peculiarities of HTTC.

Proposals will have to cover at least one of the undermentioned aims or sub-aims:
  • Aim 1) Identification/validation of novel early diagnostic approaches
  • Aim 2) Identification/validation of novel therapeutic approaches.
  • Aim 3) Development of novel drug delivery strategies.
  • Lloc de presentació
    IMIM and PSMAR staff who need more information should contact::
    Research Grants and Contracts Office. C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003-Barcelona. Tel.: 93.316.04.00.
    Carol Barnwell: Ext.: 1670
    Marta López: Ext.: 1576
    Convocatòria (URL)
    Informació addicional
    Aplicatiu web:
    Consortia composition (see the Call Text for complete information):
  • Each research consortium must involve a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of six (6) partners, eligible for funding, coming from different countries whose funders participate in the call.
  • The maximum number of partners can be increased to 7 in the full proposal stage as a consequence of the widening process aimed at including one team from underrepresented countries/regions, as detailed in Section 10 of the Call Text (see pp.14-15).
  • The partners must be from at least three (3) different countries participating in the call. In addition, a consortium must not involve more than two (2) research groups from the same country (in such cases the minimum number of groups must be 4, coming from 3 different countries).
  • A wide inclusion of research teams from all the countries/regions participating in the call is encouraged, with a particular attention to research teams from Hungary, Latvia, and Slovakia, in order to strengthen the European translational cancer research area.

    For Spanish applicants: please check the eligibility requirements of the institution and the principal investigator/team members, in pages 45-52 of the Guidelines.

  • Dotació
    For Spanish participants requesting funding to ISCIII:
  • up to 175,000 € (overheads included) per partner
  • up to 250.000 € (overheads included) per coordinator

    For Spanish participants requesting funding to FCAECC:up to 150.000€ (overheads not included)

    A PI can request funding to both ISCIII and FCAECC, provided compliance with the eligibility criteria of both Institutions. Funding cannot be requested only to FCAECC.
  • Durada
    3 years
    En cas de voler presentar-vos a la convocatòria, per favor no contacteu directament amb ISCIII/FCAECC, dirigiu-vos al Servei de Recerca (Carol Barnwell / Marta López).

