INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 709
Termini exhaurit
Advanced Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. Applicant Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking and high-gain/high-risk nature of their scientific proposal.
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Beca per a l'elaboració d'un treball d'investigació per part de metges residents de l'últim any o que hagin completat el període de residència en els darrers tres anys.
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La finalitat d'aquest ajut és impulsar una línia de recerca altament innovadora i disruptiva en càncer dirigida per un investigador o investigadora independent en vies de consolidació.
Borses de viatge
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To invite overseas researchers with excellent records of research achievements for short-term visits to Japan and provide them opportunities for discussions, opinion exchanges, lectures and other activities.
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To provide opportunities for pre-/post-doctoral researchers from the US, Canada and Europe to conduct, under the guidance of their hosts, cooperative research with leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions.
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DMM Conference Travel Grants are aimed at early-career researchers wanting to attend scientific meetings, conferences, workshops and courses relating to the areas of research covered by the journal.
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Funding for exchanges between two emerging research groups or one emerging and one established research group, from two different IBRO regions.
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ASCI - American Society for Clinical Investigation
The Harrington Prize, presented by the American Society for Clinical Investigation and the Harrington Discovery Institute at University Hospitals Case Medical Center, honors a physician-scientist who has moved science forward with achievements notable for innovation, creativity and potential for clinical application.
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The LEO Foundation Awards constitute a global recognition and are given annually to outstanding young scientists whose work represent extraordinary contributions to dermatology research.
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Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Foundation
‘The Brain Prize’- is awarded to one or more scientists who have distinguished themselves by an outstanding contribution to European neuroscience and who are still active in research.
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Per als metges en actiu que hagin publicat treballs o articles d'investigació durant el 2020.
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La Societat Espanyola de Trombosi i Hemostàsia (SETH), a través de la Fundació Espanyola de Trombosi i Hemostàsia (FETH), convoca el «Premi López-Borrasca» de Recerca Bàsica o Clínica relacionada amb l'àrea de Trombosi i Hemostàsia.
Recursos Humans
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To provide opportunities for excellent postdoctoral researchers from other countries to conduct, under the guidance of their hosts, cooperative research with leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions.
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L'objecte de la present convocatòria és la concessió d'una subvenció per a projectes d'investigació desenvolupats per grups de recerca emergents dirigits per una persona investigadora principal júnior.
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La FETH convoca dues Beques Personals per a realitzar projectes d'investigació en un Centre Nacional en temes relacionats amb la Hemostàsia.
Informació últil
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La finalitat d'aquest ajut és impulsar una línia de recerca altament innovadora i disruptiva en càncer dirigida per un investigador o investigadora independent en vies de consolidació.
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El Centre Internacional de Neurociència i Ètica (Cinet), creat per la Fundació Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno, convoca ajuts per a la realització de projectes d'investigació, preferentment empírics, que sorgeixin del diàleg efectiu de la neurociència i altres camps del saber, com ara la biologia humana, la bioètica, la psicologia, la filosofia, la història o la física.
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The aim of this call is to fund ground-breaking translational research on malignant lymphoma, malignant lymphoid neoplasia and related malignant blood diseases (particularly lymphoid disorders). Projects will be considered eligible that enhance our understanding and furnish insights or develop tools that will advance the treatment.
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The 2021 Michelson Prizes funds young researchers who are using disruptive research concepts and inventive processes to significantly advance the development of vaccines and immunotherapies for major global diseases.
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Fomentar la investigació, el desenvolupament i la divulgació de tots els aspectes que concerneixen a l'ou en la seva relació amb l'alimentació, la nutrició, la salut pública i els factors que condicionen la qualitat en la seva producció i transformació.
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L'ORÉAL-UNESCO For Women in Science és una iniciativa conjunta de la Fundació L'Oréal i la UNESCO per donar visibilitat, reconèixer i donar suport al treball de les científiques en tot el món i encoratjar vocacions per la ciència entre les més joves sota el lema "El món necessita ciència i la ciència necessita dones".
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L'Associació Espanyola de Cirurgians té entre els seus fins contribuir al progrés de la cirurgia fomentant la investigació.
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Professional development for emerging leaders in the field of neuroscience by providing opportunities and informal training on how to serve as scientific advisors.
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CRAASH Barcelona is a 12-week program that helps European research teams launch successful device, diagnostic and e/digital health innovations to improve health and patient care through mentoring from experts at CIMIT (Boston), the most experienced health accelerator in the world.
Borses de viatge
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Funding for exchanges between two emerging research groups or one emerging and one established research group, from two different IBRO regions.
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Translational Research Training in Hematology (TRTH) provides junior researchers with a unique, year-long training and mentoring experience. TRTH is focused on helping early-career hematological scientists build successful careers in hematological translational research.
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La Fundació Alfonso Martín Escudero convoca 40 beques per a realitzar treballs de recerca en universitats o centres d´investigació a l´estranger, dins les següents temàtiques:
  • Agricultura i ramaderia
  • Ciències del mar
  • Ciències de la salut
  • Tecnologia d'aliments
    Termini exhaurit
    Travel Fellowships to enable early-career cancer researchers to gain new skills through a short-term visit to a lab or research group in another country.
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    The LEO Foundation Awards constitute a global recognition and are given annually to outstanding young scientists whose work represent extraordinary contributions to dermatology research.
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    Nature Research Awards funds initiatives that support girls or young women to engage with, enjoy and study STEM subjects OR to increase the retention of women in STEM careers
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    CaixaBank S.A.
    Es convoca els Premis WONNOW 2021 amb la finalitat de guardonar l'excel·lència, tant acadèmica com personal, de dones estudiants de l'àrea de ciències, tecnologia, enginyeria i matemàtiques en les quals la presència femenina és reduïda.
    Termini exhaurit
    The Prize is awarded annually to one young scientist for the most outstanding neurobiological research based on methods of molecular and cell biology conducted by him/her during the past three years.
    Morera A*, Membrilla E, González-Castillo A, PELEGRINA A, Guerrero MA, Tellez C, Pons-Fraguero MJ, Guzman-Ahumada J, Pera M, Sancho JJ. Caecal volvulus and jejunostomy: challenging diagnostic. Surg Case Rep 2021; 2021(4): rjab148 (Acceptat).
    Vílchez F*, Meraz-Ostíz JA, Carrión-Barberá I, González-Farré M, Carrion JA, Salman-Monte TC. Multi-organ Involvement in Non-pulmonary Sarcoidosis. Reumatol Clin 2021: (en Premsa).
    Magaldi M*, Perdomo JM, López-Baamonde M, Chanzá M, Sanchez D, Gomar C. Second victim phenomenon in a surgical area: online survey. Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim 2021: (en Premsa).
    Romero A, Llauradó G, González-Clemente JM*. Interpretation of clinical trials on the cardiovascular effects of hypoglycemic drugs in people with type2 diabetes. Endocrinol Diabetes Nutr 2021: (en Premsa).
    López-Miranda J*, Pedro-Botet J. Therapeutic targets in the treatment of dyslipidaemias: From statins to PCSK9 inhibitors. Unmet needs. Clin Invest Arterioscl 2021; 33 Suppl 1: 46-52.
    Herman A*, Uter W, Rustemeyer T, Matura M, Aalto-Korte K, Duus J, Gonçalo M, White IR, Balato A, Giménez-Arnau AM, Brockow K, Mortz CG, Mahler V, Goossens A, ESCD, EECDRG, EADV Contact Dermatitis Task Force, EAACI. Position statement: The need for EU legislation to require disclosure and labelling of the composition of medical devices. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2021; 35(7): 1444-1448.
    González-Castillo A*, Sancho JJ, de Miguel M, Morera JR, Membrilla E, Pons-Fragero MJ, Pera M, Grande L. Mortality risk estimation in acute calculous cholecystitis: beyond the Tokyo Guidelines. World J Emerg Surg . 2021; 16(1): 24.
    Arias J*, Vilagut G, Ronaldson A, Serrano-Blanco A, Martín V, Peters M, Valderas JM, Dregan A, Alonso J. Prevalence and variability of current depressive disorder in 27 European countries: a population-based study. Lancet Public Health 2021; 6(10): e729-e738.
    Pujol J*, Blanco-Hinojo L, Macià D, Martínez-Vilavella G, Deus J, Pérez V, Cardoner N, Soriano-Mas C, Sunyer J. Differences between the child and adult brain in the local functional structure of the cerebral cortex. Neuroimage 2021; 237: 118150.
    Fonseca F, Lenahan W, Dart RC, Papaseit E, Dargan PI, Wood DM, Guareschi M, Maremmani I, Auriacombe M, Farré M, Scherbaum N, Torrens M*. Non-medical Use of Prescription Gabapentinoids (Gabapentin and Pregabalin) in Five European Countries. Front Psychiatry 2021; 12: 676224 (Acceptat).
    Carol A, Masip J, Ariza-Solé A, Gómez-Hospital JA, Carrillo X, Tizon H, García-Picart J, Regueiro A, Muñoz-Camacho JF, Lidón RM, Jiménez-Fàbrega X, Mauri F, CodiInfart. Predictores de demora en el intervencionismo coronario percutáneo primario en el infarto de miocardio diagnosticado en hospitales sin hemodinámica. Emergencias 2021; 33(3): 187-194.
    Martín-Sánchez FJ, Parra P, García GL, González del Castillo J, Rodríguez-Adrada E, Espinosa B, López-Díez MP, Romero R, Rizzi MA, Pérez-Durá MJ, Bibiano C, Ferrer C, Aguiló S, Martín-Mojarro E, Aguirre A, Piñera P, López-Picado A, Llorens P, Jacob J, Gil V, Herrero P, Fernández-Pérez C, Gil P, Calvo E, Rosselló X, Bueno H, Burillo G, Miró Ò, Registro OAK-Discharge y Estudio DEED FRAIL-AHF. Thirty-day outcomes in frail older patients discharged home from the emergency department with acute heart failure: effects of high-risk criteria identified by the DEED FRAIL-AHF trial. Emergencias 2021; 33(3): 165-173.
    Belloso P, Supervía A, del Baño F, Bosch L, Pallàs-Villaronga O, Escolano F. Características y factores de gravedad de las reacciones de anafilaxia atendidas en un servicio de urgencias. Emergencias 2021; 33(3): 241-243.
    Fenizia F, Alborelli I, Costa JL, Vollbrecht C, Bellosillo B, Dinjens W, Endris V, Heydt C, Leonards K, Merkelback-Bruse S, Pfarr N, van Marion R, Allen C, Chaudhary R, Gottimukkala R, Hyland F, Wong-Ho E, Jermann P, Machado JC, Hummel M, Stenzinger A, Normanno N*. Validation of a targeted next-generation sequencing panel for tumor mutation burden analysis: results from the Onconetwork Immuno-Oncology Consortium. J Mol Diagn 2021; 23(7): 882-893.
    Sánchez-Benavides G*, Suarez-Calvet M, Milà M, Arenaza-Urquijo EM, Grau-Rivera O, Operto G, Gispert JD, Vilor-Tejedor N, Sala-Vila A, Crous M, González-de-Echávarri JM, Minguillón C, Fauria K, Simon M, Kollmorgen G, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Molinuevo JL*, ALFA Study. Amyloid-β positive individuals with subjective cognitive decline present increased CSF neurofilament light levels that relate to lower hippocampal volume. Neurobiol Aging 2021; 104: 24-31.
    Gortazar L, Flores JA, Benaiges D*, Sarsanedas E, Navarro H, Payà Panadés A, Mañé L, Pedro-Botet J, Goday A. Trends in Prevalence of Diabetes among Twin Pregnancies and Perinatal Outcomes in Catalonia between 2006 and 2015: The DIAGESTCAT Study. J Clin Med 2021; 10(9): 1937.
    Kapla J, Rodríguez-Espigares I, Ballante F, Selent J, Carlsson J*. Can molecular dynamics simulations improve the structural accuracy and virtual screening performance of GPCR models?. PLoS Comput Biol 2021; 17(5): e1008936.
    Zapardiel I, Alvarez J, Barahona M, Barri P, Boldo A, Bresco P, Gasca I, Jaunarena I, Kucukmetin A, Mancebo G, Otero B, Roldan F, Rovira R, Suarez E, Tejerizo A, Torrent A, Gorostidi M. Utility of Intraoperative Fluorescence Imaging in Gynecologic Surgery: Systematic Review and Consensus Statement. Ann Surg Oncol 2021; 28(6): 3266-3278.
    Lopez-Aventin D*, Gallardo F, Colomo L, Moragon E, Vela MC, Duran X, Bellosillo B, Pujol RM. Diagnostic Value of Genotypic Analysis in Primary Cutaneous Lymphomas using Standardized BIOMED-2 Polymerase Chain Reaction Protocols: Experience in Daily Clinical Practice. Acta Derm-Venereol 2021; 101(5): adv00460.
    Pinto-Carbó M, Peiró-Pérez R, Molina-Barceló A*, Vanaclocha M, Alguacil J, Castaño Vinyals G, O'Callaghan-Gordo C, Gracia E, Pérez Gómez B, Lope V, Aragonés Sanz N, Molina AJ, Fernández-Villa T, Gil-Majuelo L, Amiano P, Dierssen-Sotos T, Gómez Acebo I, Guevara M, Moreno-Iribas C, Obón Santacana M, Rodríguez-Suárez M, Salcedo-Bellido I, Delgado-Parrilla A, Marcos-Gragera R, Chirlaque M, Kogevinas M, Pollán M, Salas D. Social mobility and healthy behaviours from a gender perspective in the Spanish multicase-control study (MCC-Spain). PLoS ONE 2021; 16(5): e0251447 (Acceptat).
    Llupià A*, Borras-Santos A, Guinovart C, Utzet M, Moriña D, Puig J. SARS-CoV-2 transmission in students of public schools of Catalonia (Spain) after a month of reopening. PLoS ONE 2021; 16(5): e0251593 (Acceptat).
    Marcantonio O*, Lopez-Castillo D, Pujol RM, Martín-Ezquerra G. Syphilitic paronychia: a diagnostic challenge. Sex Transm Infect 2022; 98(3): 232.
    Marin J*, Pascual S, Muñoz-Bermúdez R, Salazar-Degracia A, Climent C, Vilà C, Acer M, Picornell M, Restrepo MI, Masclans JR, Álvarez-Lerma F. Health care-associated infections in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia in COVID critical care areas. Medicina Intensiva 2022; 46(4): 221-223.
    Calero-Molina E, Hidalgo E, Rosenfeld L, Verdú JM, Verdú-Soriano J, Garay A, Alcoberro L, Jimenez-Marrero S, Garcimartín P, Yun S, Guerrero C, Moliner P, Delso C, Alcober L, Enjuanes C, Comín J*. The relationship between self-care, long-term mortality, and heart failure hospitalization: insights from a real-world cohort study. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs 2022; 21(2): 116-126.
    Moro SG, Hermans C, Ruiz-Orera J, Albà MM*. Impact of uORFs in mediating regulation of translation in stress conditions. BMC Mol Cell Biol . 2021; 22(1): 29.
    Estella A*, Vidal-Cortés P, Rodriguez A, Andaluz D, Martin-Loeches I, Diaz E, Suberviola B, Gracia-Arnillas MP, Catalán-González M, Álvarez-Lerma F, Ramirez P, Nuvials X, Borges-Sa M, Zaragoza R. [Management of infectious complications associated with coronavirus infection in severe patients admitted to ICU]. Medicina Intensiva 2021; 45(8): 485-500.
    Fernández-Trujillo A*, López-Ortiz C, Cuñat O, Del Hoyo B, Parrilla FJ, Serrano-Blanco A, Berrade JJ. History of mental disorder in an ICU and referrals to psychiatry. Medicina Intensiva 2021: (en Premsa).
    Aznar ML*, Espinosa-Pereiro J, Saborit N, Jove N, Sánchez-Martínez F, Pérez-Recio S, Vitoria A, Sanjoaquin S, Gallardo E, Llenas-García J, Pomar V, García IO, Cacho J, Goncalves L, San Martin JV, García-Rodriguez JF, Jiménez-Fuentes MA, de Souza-Galvao ML, Tórtola T, Zules R, Molina I, Sánchez-Montalvá A. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tuberculosis management in Spain. Int J Infect Dis 2021; 108: 300-305.
    Markar SR*, Sounderajah V, Johar A, Zaninotto G, Castoro C, Lagergren P, Elliott JA, Gisbertz SS, Mariette C, Alfieri R, Huddy J, Pinto E, Scarpa M, Klevebro F, Sunde B, Murphy CF, Greene C, Ravi N, Piessen G, Brenkman H, Ruurda J, van Hillegersberg R, Lagarde SM, Wijnhoven BP, Pera M, Roigg J, Castro S, Matthijsen R, Findlay J, Antonowicz S, Maynard N, McCormack O, Ariyarathenam A, Sanders G, Cheong E, Jaunoo S, Allum W, van Lanschot JJ, Nilsson M, Reynolds JV, van Berge MI, Hanna GB. Patient-reported outcomes after oesophagectomy in the multicentre LASER study. Br J Surg 2021; 108(9): 1090-1096.
    Cabezas-Rodríguez A*, Utzet M, Bacigalupe A. Which are the intermediate determinants of gender inequalities in mental health?: A scoping review. Int J Soc Psychiatr 2021: (en Premsa).
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