INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 741
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L'objectiu de la convocatòria d'ajuts a projectes de col·laboració publico-privada és el suport a projectes de desenvolupament experimental en cooperació entre empreses i organismes de recerca, per tal de promoure el desenvolupament de noves tecnologies, l'aplicació empresarial de noves idees i tècniques, i contribuir a la creació de nous productes i serveis.
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Advanced Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. Applicant Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking and high-gain/high-risk nature of their scientific proposal.
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MWCapital - Barcelona Mobile World Capital Foundation
Through the Programme, The Collider seeks to connect scientific talent with entrepreneurial talent to create highly innovative science-based companies (or spinoffs) which transform the results of scientific research from universities and research centres into sellable products or services. This call is subsidized by Business and Employee Department of Catalan Government.
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L'objectiu és promoure i donar suport a la realització de treballs d'Investigació Científica en el camp de la Nefrologia.
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The Dr. Josef Steiner Cancer Research Foundation
Funding for projects in basic and/or clinical cancer research (specifically, the translation of new basic/theoretical insights into clinical applications), led by a young investigator (typically 40 years or less).
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Early support for exploratory ideas, particularly those with novel hypotheses for autism.
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Projects aimed at advancing current knowledge in the inter-organ crosstalk and related pathophysiology in Diabetes and its complications through innovative basic or clinical research.
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Financiación para un proyecto de investigación sobre leucemia infantil.
Borses de viatge
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To provide opportunities for pre-/post-doctoral researchers from the US, Canada and Europe to conduct, under the guidance of their hosts, cooperative research with leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions.
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Augmentar l'intercanvi de coneixements i habilitats que repercuteixen de manera directa en la qualitat de la pràctica clínica i / o de la generació de nous coneixements en l'àrea de malalties renals.
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Convocatòria competitiva de beques per a rotació de Metges Interns Residents (M.I.R.) de Nefrologia en centres estrangers amb l'objectiu d'augmentar l'intercanvi de coneixements i habilitats que repercuteixin de manera directa en la qualitat de la Pràctica Clínica i / o de la generació de nous coneixements a l'àrea de Nefrologia.
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This award is the European Commission's initiative to recognise and celebrate outstanding FP7 / Horizon 2020 projects that have used their results to provide value for society.
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This prestigious award honours outstanding research on biologically active molecules and systems in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, and physiology as well as on their clinical importance.
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Foment, desenvolupament i incentivació de qualsevol activitat de recerca, orientació, formació i suport relacionat amb la dependència, discapacitat i promoció de l'autonomia personal.
Recursos Humans
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ICREA opens 20 senior research positions in the following areas:
  • Humanities
  • Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • Life & Medical Sciences
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    Funding for excellent young researchers promoting innovative ideas and supporting high quality research projects covering basic and clinical science projects related to rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMD).
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    The CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program supports qualified young scientists at leading universities and research centers around the world who wish to receive training in fundamental immunology or cancer immunology.
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    Aquesta convocatòria, que compta amb la col·laboració de la Comissió Fulbright, té per finalitat la concessió d'ajuts per a la realització d'estudis de màster a universitats i institucions d'educació superior acreditades per impartir aquests estudis als Estats Units.
    Informació últil
     No hi ha novetats
    Termini exhaurit
    L'objectiu de la convocatòria d'ajuts a projectes de col·laboració publico-privada és el suport a projectes de desenvolupament experimental en cooperació entre empreses i organismes de recerca, per tal de promoure el desenvolupament de noves tecnologies, l'aplicació empresarial de noves idees i tècniques, i contribuir a la creació de nous productes i serveis.
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    Finançar projectes de recerca en l'àmbit de l'atenció primària, mitjançant la promoció de la cooperació científica, fomentant la presentació de projectes multicèntrics i impulsant la recerca orientada al pacient en la vessant clínica, epidemiològica i en serveis de salut, en els procediments diagnòstics i en la digitalització dels sistemes.
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    CaixaImpulse ofereix fins a 100.000 € per a crear i implementar un pla de valorització i comercialització orientat a fer ús dels actius protegits o protegibles resultants de la investigació.
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    Funding for interdisciplinary research projects based on complementarities and sharing of expertise, with expected impact to use the results in the future for benefit of patients.
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    Translational, interdisciplinary research projects in the field of Personalised Medicine which encourage collaboration between academia, clinical/public health research, SMEs as well as policy makers, regulatory/HTA agencies and patient organisations.
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    Sociedad Española de Radiologia Médica
    Beca per al finançament d'un projecte de recerca sobre algun tema de l'àmbit del diagnòstic per imatge, realitzat majoritàriament per especialistes en radiodiagnòstic que desenvolupin la seva activitat a Espanya i siguin membres de la SERAM.
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    MWCapital - Barcelona Mobile World Capital Foundation
    Through the Programme, The Collider seeks to connect scientific talent with entrepreneurial talent to create highly innovative science-based companies (or spinoffs) which transform the results of scientific research from universities and research centres into sellable products or services. This call is subsidized by Business and Employee Department of Catalan Government.
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    La finalitat d'aquest ajut, és donar suport als millors investigadors en el camp del càncer de mama i promoure la ràpida transmissió dels avenços científics en aquest camp als pacients.
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    Aquesta beca reconeix un projecte científic presentat per professionals novells que treballin en institucions espanyoles involucrades en el camp de l'Oncologia i promoure la rapida transmissió dels avenços científics
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    Els ajuts a la Recerca SEPAR es destinaran a un projecte de recerca presentat per un soci de SEPAR sobre qualsevol aspecte rellevant (bàsic, clínic, epidemiològic, etc.) relacionat amb la salut pulmonar i les malalties respiratòries / toràciques.
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    FARA supports research through funding competitive grants across the spectrum from basic research through drug development and clinical research programs in Friedreich's Ataxia (FA).
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    The New York Stem Cell Foundation
    NYSCF is soliciting applications from early career investigators for awards in neuroscience. The goal of this initiative is to foster innovative, emerging scientists whose pioneering approaches have the potential to transform the field of neuroscience.
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    The New York Stem Cell Foundation
    NYSCF is soliciting applications from early career investigators, with the potential to transform the field of stem cell research, for awards to be used for exploring the basic biology and translational potential of stem cells.
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    La Fundació Pediatria i Salut (FPS) de l'Associació Espanyola de Pediatria d'Atenció Primària (AEPap), amb el propòsit de promocionar la investigació en el camp de la Pediatria d'Atenció Primària convoca dues beques d'investigació.
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    EFIS and the European Journal of Immunology (EJI) are proud to offer financial support for immunology-themed meetings, workshops and schools that are organized in Europe and are international in nature.

    Borses de viatge
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    Les beques estan destinades a doctors que vulguin investigar en centres d'ensenyament superior als Estats Units d'Amèrica.
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    Són ajuts per facilitar l'estada en centres de reconegut prestigi nacional o estranger, a l'objecte de fomentar la formació continuada en recerca d'alta qualitat sobre salut i patologia respiratòries.
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    EFIS and Immunology Letters (IL) award short-term fellowships for up to 3 months of support for purposes of transnational scientific collaboration or advanced training in techniques or methodologies.
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    Travelling Fellowships of up to £2,500 to graduate students and post-doctoral researchers wishing to make collaborative visits to other laboratories.
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    For junior researchers pursuing experimental projects in basic biomedical research and who wish to pursue a short-term research stay or attend a practical course of up to 3 months.
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    ERS Mid-Career Gold Medals aims to honour researchers with an excellent track record in the specific field of the awards on offer and the potential for further outstanding developments.
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    La FUNDACIÓ LILLY convoca els Premis Fundació Lilly d'Investigació Biomèdica Preclínica i Clínica 2022, per a investigadors que hagin contribuït de forma significativa al desenvolupament de la Biomedicina i les Ciències de la Salut a Espanya, i mantinguin una activitat de reconegut nivell científic.
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    The Lasker Foundation
    Lasker Awards recognize the contributions of researchers, clinician scientists, and public servants who have made major advances in the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of disease.
    Recursos Humans
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    30 beques de doctorat per a joves investigadors de qualsevol nacionalitat per dur a terme la seva activitat investigadora en qualsevol disciplina i en qualsevol universitat o centre de recerca d’Espanya o Portugal.
    La convocatòria comprèn totes les àrees del coneixement i s’adreça a totes les persones que compleixin els requisits per poder accedir al doctorat, sempre que, a més, reuneixin els requeriments de mobilitat i anteriorment no s’hagin matriculat als estudis de doctorat sol·licitats.
    Els becaris s’han d’incorporar a les universitats o centres de recerca de destinació entre setembre i novembre de 2022. En casos justificats, no obstant això, aquesta incorporació es podria endarrerir fins al 31 de gener de 2023.
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    The EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded for a period of up to two years and support excellent postdoctoral researchers in laboratories throughout Europe and the world. International exchange is a key requirement.
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    Funding to promote the best talent in the field of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases. That aims to finance excellent young researchers who promote innovative ideas and support high-quality research projects that span basic science and clinical projects related to RMD.
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    Funding for excellent young researchers promoting innovative ideas and supporting high quality research projects covering basic and clinical science projects related to rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMD).
    Termini exhaurit
    Aquesta convocatòria, que compta amb la col·laboració de la Comissió Fulbright, té per finalitat la concessió d'ajuts per a la realització d'estudis de màster a universitats i institucions d'educació superior acreditades per impartir aquests estudis als Estats Units.
    Termini exhaurit
    Beca personal amb la finalitat de subvencionar econòmicament al becari, no al projecte. Per això, és imprescindible que el projecte compti amb finançament independent en el moment de presentar la sol·licitud de "Becari SEPAR".
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    7-12 months scholarships for research projects within the context of doctoral programmes, in a German institution.
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    Postdoctoral Fellowships for a period of up to three years to support excellent postdoctoral researchers in laboratories throughout Europe.
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    The Programme aims to identify promising and innovative young researchers in the field of diabetes. Selected candidates will have the opportunity to present their research activities during the symposium at the EASD Annual Meeting, and will receive a fellowship of € 30,000.
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    The objective of the EFSD/Lilly Young Investigator Research Awards is to encourage innovative research in the fields of diabetes and its complications, and to promote excellence in medical education. Applicants should have demonstrated their ability in the field of diabetes research.
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    Els ajuts es concedeixen per sorteig entre tots els inscrits per finançar els cursos de preparació a les respectives especialitats d'interns residents.
    Dávalos-Yerovi N*, Romeo A, Escalada F, Tejero M. [Postural effect of vestibular galvanic stimulation in patients with Parkinson's disease and camptocormia: Case series]. Rehabilitación (Madr) 2022; 56(1): 78-81.
    Berenguer J*, Borobia AM, Ryan P, Rodríguez-Baño J, Bellón JM, Jarrín I, Carratalà J, Pachón J, Carcas AJ, Yllescas M, Arribas JR, COVID-19@Spain and COVID@HULP Study Groups (...,Güerri-Fernández R, Horcajada JP, Sorli L,...). Development and validation of a prediction model for 30-day mortality in hospitalised patients with COVID-19: the COVID-19 SEIMC score. Thorax 2021; 76(9): 920-929.
    Broquetas M, Herruzo-Pino P, Mariño Z, Naranjo-Hans D, Vergara M, Morillas R, Forns X, Carrion JA*. Elastography is unable to exclude cirrhosis after sustained virological response in HCV-infected patients with advanced chronic liver disease. Liver Int 2021; 41(11): 2733-2746.
    Escudero-Lara A, Argerich J, Cabañero D*, Maldonado R*. Disease-modifying effects of natural Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in endometriosis-associated pain. eLife 2020; 9: e50356.
    Barrios V, Chowen JA, Martín-Rivada Á, Guerra-Cantera S, Pozo J, Yakar S, Rosenfeld RG, Pérez-Jurado L, Suárez J*, Argente J*. Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein (PAPP)-A2 in Physiology and Disease. Cells 2021; 10(12): 3576.
    Testa G, Mora B, Camacho-Barcia L, Granero R, Lucas I, Agüera Z, Jiménez-Murcia S, Baños R, Bertaina-Anglade V, Botella C, Bulló M, Casanueva FF, Dalsgaard S, Fernández JM, Franke B, Frühbeck G, Fitó Colomer M, Gómez-Martínez C, Pintó Sala X, Poelmans G, Tinahones F.J, de la Torre R, Salas Salvadó J, Serra Majem L, Vos S, Wimberley T, Fernández-Aranda F*. Transdiagnostic Perspective of Impulsivity and Compulsivity in Obesity: From Cognitive Profile to Self-Reported Dimensions in Clinical Samples with and without Diabetes. Nutrients 2021; 13(12): 4426.
    Solmi M, Estradé A, Thompson T, Agorastos A, Radua J, Cortese S, Dragioti E, Leisch F, Vancampfort D, Thygesen LC, Aschauer H, Schloegelhofer M, Akimova E, Schneeberger A, Huber CG, Hasler G, Conus P, Cuénod KQD, von Känel, Arrondo G, Fusar-Poli P, Gorwood P, Llorca PM, Krebs MO, Scanferla E, Kishimoto T, Rabbani G, Skonieczna-Zydecka K, Brambilla P, Favaro A, Takamiya A, Zoccante L, Colizzi M, Bourgin J, Kaminski K, Moghadasin M, Seedat S, Matthews E, Wells J, Vassilopoulou E, Gadelha A, Su KP, Kwon JS, Kim M, Lee TY, Papsuev O, Manková D, Boscutti A, Gerunda C, Saccon D, Righi E, Monaco F, Croatto G, Cereda G, Demurtas J, Brondino N, Veronese N, Enrico P, Politi P, Ciappolino V, Pfennig A, Bechdolf A, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Kahl KG, Domschke K, Bauer M, Koutsouleris N, Winter S, Borgwardt S, Bitter I, Balazs J, Czobor P, Unoka Z, Mavridis D, Tsamakis K, Bozikas VP, Tunvirachaisakul C, Maes M, Rungnirundorn T, Supasitthumrong T, Haque A, Brunoni AR, Costardi CG, Schuch FB, Polanczyk G, Luiz JM, Fonseca L, Aparicio LV, Valvassori SS, Nordentoft M, Vendsborg P, Hoffmann SH, Sehli J, Sartorius N, Heuss S, Guinart D, Hamilton J, Kane J, Rubio J, Sand M, Koyanagi A, Solanes A, Andreu-Bernabeu A, Cáceres ASJ, Arango C, Díaz-Caneja CM, Hidalgo-Mazzei D, Vieta E, Gonzalez-Peñas J, Fortea L, Parellada M, Fullana MA, Verdolini N, Fárková E, Janku K, Millan M, Honciuc M, Moniuszko-Malinowska A, Loniewski I, Samochowiec J, Kiszkiel L, Marlicz M, Sowa P, Marlicz W, Spies G, Stubbs B, Firth J, Sullivan S, Darcin AE, Aksu H, Dilbaz N, Noyan O, Kitazawa M, Kurokawa S, Tazawa Y, Anselmi A, Cracco C, Machado AI, Estrade N, De Leo, Curtis J, Berk M, Ward P, Teasdale S, Rosenbaum S, Marx W, Horodnic AV, Oprea L, Alexinschi O, Ifteni P, Turliuc S, Ciuhodaru T, Bolos A, Matei V, Nieman DH, Sommer I, van Os J, van Amelsvoort T, Sun CF, Guu TW, Jiao C, Zhang J, Fan J, Zou L, Yu X, Chi X, de Timary, van Winke, Ng B, Pena E, Arellano R, Roman R, Sanchez T, Movina L, Morgado P, Brissos S, Aizberg O, Mosina A, Krinitski D, Mugisha J, Sadeghi-Bahmani D, Sadeghi M, Hadi S, Brand S, Errazuriz A, Crossley N, Ristic DI, López-Jaramillo C, Efthymiou D, Kuttichira P, Kallivayalil RA, Javed A, Afridi MI, James B, Seb-Akahomen OJ, Fiedorowicz J, Carvalho AF, Daskalakis J, Yatham LN, Yang L, Okasha T, Dahdouh A, Gerdle B, Tiihonen J, Shin JI, Lee J, Mhalla A, Gaha L, Brahim T, Altynbekov K, Negay N, Nurmagambetova S, Jamei YA, Weiser M, Correll CU. The collaborative outcomes study on health and functioning during infection times in adults (COH-FIT-Adults): Design and methods of an international online survey targeting physical and mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. J Affect Disorders 2022; 299: 393-407.
    Font A, Ruiz de Porras V, Valderrama BP, Ramirez JL, Nonell L, Virizuela JA, Anido U, González del Alba A, Lainez N, Llorente MDM, Jiménez N, Mellado B, Garcia-Donas J*, Bellmunt J*. Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition Mediates Resistance to Maintenance Therapy with Vinflunine in Advanced Urothelial Cell Carcinoma. Cancers 2021; 13(24): 6235.
    Sánchez A, Bujanda L, Cuatrecasas M, Bofill A, Álvarez C, Hernández G, Aguilera L, Carballal S, Llach J, Herrera-Pariente C, Iglesias M, Rivero-Sánchez L, Jung G, Moreno L, Ocaña T, Bayarri C, Pellise M, Castells A, Castellví-Bel S, Balaguer F, Moreira L*. Identification of Lynch Syndrome Carriers among Patients with Small Bowel Adenocarcinoma. Cancers 2021; 13(24): 6378.
    Harding BN*, Castaño Vinyals G, Palomar-Cros A, Papantoniou K, Espinosa A, Skene DJ, Middleton B, Gómez-Gómez A, Navarrete JM, Such-Faro P, Torrejón A, Kogevinas M, Pozo O. Changes in melatonin and sex steroid hormone production among men as a result of rotating night shift work - the HORMONIT study . Scand J Work Environ Health 2022; 48(1): 41-51.
    Peralta A, Torrens M, Stepniewski T, Grau J, Perea D, Ayinampudi V, Waldhoer M, Zimmermann M, Buzón MJ, Genescà M, Selent J*. Entrectinib-A SARS-CoV-2 Inhibitor in Human Lung Tissue (HLT) Cells. Int J Mol Sci 2021; 22(24): 13592.
    Luque M, Sanz-Alvarez M, Santamaría A, Zazo S, Cristóbal I, de la Fuente L, Mínguez P, Eroles P, Rovira A, Albanell J, Madoz-Gúrpide J*, Rojo F. Targeted Therapy Modulates the Secretome of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts to Induce Resistance in HER2-Positive Breast Cancer. Int J Mol Sci 2021; 22(24): 13297.
    Bustos A*, Payá A, Torrubia A, Jover R, Llor X, Bessa X, Castells A, Carracedo Á, Alenda C*. xDEEP-MSI: Explainable Bias-Rejecting Microsatellite Instability Deep Learning System in Colorectal Cancer. Biomolecules 2021; 11(12): 1786.
    Cherrez-Ojeda I*, Vanegas E, Cherrez A, Felix M, Weller K, Magerl M, Maurer RR, Mata VL, Kasperska-Zajac A, Sikora A, Fomina D, Kovalkova E, Godse K, Rao ND, Khoshkhui M, Rastgoo S, Criado RFJ, Abuzakouk M, Grandon D, Van Doorn MBA, Rodrigues-Valle SO, de Souza-Lima EM, Thomsen SF, Ramón GD, Matos EE, Bauer A, Giménez-Arnau AM, Kocatürk E, Guillet C, Larco JI, Zhao ZT, Makris M, Ritchie C, Xepapadaki P, Ensina LF, Cherrez S, Maurer M. Chronic urticaria patients are interested in apps to monitor their disease activity and control: A UCARE CURICT analysis. Clin Transl Allergy 2021; 11(10): e12089.
    Gallego-Landin I, García-Baos A, Castro-Zavala A, Valverde O*. Reviewing the Role of the Endocannabinoid System in the Pathophysiology of Depression. Front Pharmacol 2022; 12: 762738 (Acceptat).
    Sapiña-Beltrán E, Benitez ID, Torres G, Fortuna-Gutiérrez AM, Ponte-Márquez P, Masa JF, Drager LF, Cabrini M, Félez MA, Vázquez S, Abad J, Lee C, García Río F, Casitas R, Mediano O, Romero-Peralta S, Martínez D, Sánchez-de-la-Torre M, Barbé F, Dalmases M*. Effect of CPAP treatment on BP in resistant hypertensive patients according to the BP dipping pattern and the presence of nocturnal hypertension. Hypertens Res 2022; 45(3): 436-444.
    Rauner M*, Foessl I, Formosa MM, Kague E, Prijatelj V, Alonso-López NA, Banerjee B, Bergen D, Busse B, Calado Â, Douni E, Gabet Y, García-Giralt N, Grinberg D, Lovsin NM, Nogués X, Ostanek B, Pavlos NJ, Rivadeneira F, Soldatovic I, van de Peppel J, van der Eerden B, Van Hul W, Balcells S, Marc J, Reppe S, Søe K, Karasik D*. Perspective of the GEMSTONE Consortium on Current and Future Approaches to Functional Validation for Skeletal Genetic Disease Using Cellular, Molecular and Animal-Modeling Techniques. Frontiers In Endocrinology 2022; 12: 731217 (Acceptat).
    Koechlin L, Boeddinghaus J, Nestelberger T, Lopez-Ayala P, Wussler D, Shrestha S, Resa T, Wildi K, Bakula A, Frey S, Miró Ò, Martin-Sanchez FJ, Strebel I, Gualandro DM, Eckstein FS, Reuthebuch O, Keller DI, Twerenbold R, Giménez MR, Mueller C*, APACE investigators (...,Campodarve I, Gea J,...). Performance of the ESC 0/2h-algorithm using high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I in the early diagnosis of myocardial infarction. Am Heart J 2021; 242: 132-137.
    Sanllorente A, Lassale C, Soria-Florido MT, Castañer O, Fitó Colomer M*, Hernáez A*. Modification of High-Density Lipoprotein Functions by Diet and Other Lifestyle Changes: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. J Clin Med 2021; 10(24): 5897.
    Izquierdo-Marquisa A*, Mojón D, Bardají A, Carrasquer A, Calvo A, Carreras-Mora J, Giralt T, Pérez-Fernández S, Farré N, Soler C, Solà C, Cabero P, Vaquerizo B, Marrugat J, Ribas N. Myocardial Injury as a Prognostic Factor in Mid- and Long-Term Follow-Up of COVID-19 Survivors. J Clin Med 2021; 10(24): 5900.
    Llombart-Cussac A, Pérez-García JM, Bellet M, Dalenc F, Gil-Gil M, Ruiz-Borrego M, Gavilá J, Sampayo M, Aguirre E, Schmid P, Marmé F, Di Cosimo S, Gligorov J, Schneeweiss A, Albanell J, Zamora P, Wheatley D, Martínez-de-Dueñas E, Amillano K, Malfettone A, Cortés J, PARSIFAL Steering Committee and Trial Investigators. Fulvestrant-Palbociclib vs Letrozole-Palbociclib as Initial Therapy for Endocrine-Sensitive, Hormone Receptor-Positive, ERBB2-Negative Advanced Breast Cancer: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Oncol 2021; 7(12): 1791-1799.
    Asano T, Boisson B, Onodi F, Matuozzo D, Moncada-Velez M, Maglorius Renkilaraj, Zhang P, Meertens L, Bolze A, Materna M, Korniotis S, Gervais A, Talouarn E, Bigio B, Seeleuthner Y, Bilguvar K, Zhang Y, Neehus AL, Ogishi M, Pelham SJ, Le Voyer, Rosain J, Philippot Q, Soler-Palacín P, Colobran R, Martin-Nalda A, Rivière JG, Tandjaoui-Lambiotte Y, Chaïbi K, Shahrooei M, Darazam IA, Olyaei NA, Mansouri D, Hatipo?lu N, Palabiyik F, Ozcelik T, Novelli G, Novelli A, Casari G, Aiuti A, Carrera P, Bondesan S, Barzaghi F, Rovere-Querini P, Tresoldi C, Franco JL, Rojas J, Reyes LF, Bustos IG, Arias AA, Morelle G, Christèle K, Troya J, Planas-Serra L, Schlüter A, Gut M, Pujol A, Allende LM, Rodriguez-Gallego C, Flores C, Cabrera-Marante O, Pleguezuelo DE, de Diego, Keles S, Aytekin G, Akcan OM, Bryceson YT, Bergman P, Brodin P, Smole D, Smith CIE, Norlin AC, Campbell TM, Covill LE, Hammarström L, Pan-Hammarström Q, Abolhassani H, Mane S, Marr N, Ata M, Al Ali, Khan T, Spaan AN, Dalgard CL, Bonfanti P, Biondi A, Tubiana S, Burdet C, Nussbaum R, Kahn-Kirby A, Snow AL, Bustamante J, Puel A, Boisson-Dupuis S, Zhang SY, Béziat V, Lifton RP, Bastard P, Notarangelo LD, Abel L, Su HC, Jouanguy E, Amara A, Soumelis V, Cobat A, Zhang Q, Casanova JL*, NIAID-USUHS COVID Study Group (...,Horcajada JP,...). X-linked recessive TLR7 deficiency in ~1% of men under 60 years old with life-threatening COVID-19. Sci Immunol . 2021; 6(62): eabl4348.
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