INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 758
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Missions are a novel instrument in Horizon Europe that aim to address some of the greatest challenges facing our society. The Cancer Mission will help deliver key EU policy priorities such as the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, through the funding of international collaborative projects.
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L’objecte d’aquesta convocatòria és l’atorgament d’ajuts per a fomentar i enfortir la divulgació científica a Catalunya en català, tot potenciant especialment el talent jove i les propostes audiovisuals.
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Crucial support for investigators who plan to pursue a career in diabetes-related clinical investigation. Awards are made in the later stages of training and include the ability for recipients to transition to independent faculty or research appointments.
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The ADDF provides funding to academic centers and biotechs from around the world that are advancing therapeutic and biomarker development for Alzheimer's and related dementias.
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Funding for qualified scientists who are working to explore clinically relevant questions aimed at improving the effectiveness of cancer immunotherapies.
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Support for early career scientists focused in basic or clinical research in any of the JDRF emphasis areas.
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Funding for charitable activities including – but not limited to - meetings, workshops and conferences in the fields covered by The Company of Biologists' journals.
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ASCI - American Society for Clinical Investigation
The Harrington Prize honors a physician-scientist who has moved science forward with achievements notable for innovation, creativity and potential for clinical application.
Recursos Humans
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3-year fellowships designed to attract qualified, promising scientists entering their professional career in the T1D research field; intended for those in a relatively early state in their career.
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3-year fellowships for qualified and promising health scientists, to provide an opportunity to receive full time research training, and to assist these promising individuals in transitioning from a fellowship to an independent (faculty-level) position.
Informació últil
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Fundación CRIS de investigación para vencer el cáncer
Un dels pilars de l'estratègia de CRIS contra el càncer consisteix a impulsar els projectes traslacionales i clínics liderats per metges investigadors.
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Afavorir la realització de projectes de recerca per reumatòlegs que per les seves característiques curriculars no estiguin en disposició de ser competitius en projectes d'entitats públiques.
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L’objecte d’aquesta convocatòria és l’atorgament d’ajuts per a fomentar i enfortir la divulgació científica a Catalunya en català, tot potenciant especialment el talent jove i les propostes audiovisuals.
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Crucial support for investigators who plan to pursue a career in diabetes-related clinical investigation. Awards are made in the later stages of training and include the ability for recipients to transition to independent faculty or research appointments.
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Support for early career scientists focused in basic or clinical research in any of the JDRF emphasis areas.
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Fondation Roger de Spoelberch
The Roger de Spoelberch Prize is awarded to a winner for a clinical and basic scientific research project in the area of neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric disorders.
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LEO Foundation ‘Open competition grants’ are given to support the best dermatology research projects worldwide.
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La promoció de la investigació científica i tècnica a Espanya, la formació dels seus investigadors, així com el foment i desenvolupament de l'educació i de la cultura en general.
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Facilitar el suport econòmic per a la realització de projectes de recerca en l'àrea dels problemes respiratoris del nounat.
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Les Beques Leonardo a Investigadors i Creadors Culturals concedides per la Fundació BBVA estan destinades a donar suport directament al treball d'investigadors i creadors culturals d'entre 30 i 45 anys que, trobant-se en estadis intermedis de la seva carrera, desenvolupin un projecte marcadament personal i innovador en el corresponent àmbit d'especialització o activitat.
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The Next Generation Grants research grants given annually to support promising researchers who are applying disruptive concepts and inventive processes to advance human immunology, vaccine discovery, and immunotherapy research for major global diseases.
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FEBS Excellence Awards are intended to support research projects in the molecular life sciences from early-career group leaders.
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Col·laborar a la promoció, el desenvolupament i al reconeixement d'aquesta disciplina tant per part de la comunitat científica com per part de la societat en general demostrant la seva eficàcia. Per aquesta raó es crea l'Ajut a la Investigació de l'Eficàcia de la Teràpia Familiar (des d'ara AIETF).
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CRAASH Barcelona is a 3-month program that helps Catalonia-based research teams and startups launch successful device, diagnostic and digital health innovations to improve health and patient care.
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Funding for transnational networks of leading experts and stakeholders with an intent to facilitate the development, optimisation and use of diagnostic and surveillance tools, technologies and systems.
Borses de viatge
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Translational Research Training in Hematology (TRTH) provides early-career researchers with a unique, year-long training and mentoring experience. TRTH is a joint effort of the European Hematology Association (EHA) and the American Society of Hematology (ASH) and is focused on helping early-career hematological scientists build successful careers in hematological translational research.
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The International Centre for Neuroscience and Ethics (CINET), created by the Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno Foundation, announces a call for scholarships to carry out research residencies at international institutions of the highest academic prestige.
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Post-doctoral short stays in Japan.
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The LEO Foundation Awards constitute a global recognition and are given annually to outstanding young scientists whose work represent extraordinary contributions to dermatology research.
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Objectiu de reconèixer, posar en valor, donar suport i enfortir la tasca investigadora i de prevenció dels científics espanyols en l'àmbit de la salut.
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Fundación Renal Iñigo Álvarez de Toledo (FRIAT)
Premi per residents a Espanya que estiguin en possessió de la titulació oficial d'infermeria, psicologia o treball social, o que de qualsevol manera treballin amb malalts renals, ja sigui professionalment o com a voluntaris.
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Fundación Renal Iñigo Álvarez de Toledo (FRIAT)
Premi per als treballs que resumeixin investigacions bàsiques o experimentals per al millor coneixement de la morfologia i fisiologia normal del ronyó, i sobre l'etiologia, patogènia, fisiopatologia o tractament de les seves alteracions patològiques.
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Fundación Renal Iñigo Álvarez de Toledo (FRIAT)
Premi per als treballs que resumeixin investigacions bàsiques o experimentals per al millor coneixement de la morfologia i fisiologia normal del ronyó, i sobre l'etiologia, patogènia, fisiopatologia o tractament de les seves alteracions patològiques.
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CaixaBank S.A.
Guardonar l'excel·lència acadèmica, personal, professional i social de dones estudiants d'àrees STEM (ciències, tecnologia, enginyeria i matemàtiques), especialment en aquells graus en què la presència femenina és reduïda.
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Premi Internacional Hipòcrates d'investigació mèdica sobre Nutrició Humana, destinat a honrar als científics dedicats a esclarir les qüestions relacionades amb aquesta important especialitat de la Medicina.
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Els Premis Fronteres del Coneixement distingeixen avenços fonamentals, disciplinaris o interdisciplinaris, en un ampli domini de el mapa del coneixement de segle XXI.
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The Prize is awarded annually to one young scientist for the most outstanding neurobiological research based on methods of molecular and cell biology conducted by him/her during the past three years.
Recursos Humans
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Fundación CRIS de investigación para vencer el cáncer
Formar metges excel·lents de qualsevol nacionalitat que desitgin desenvolupar la seva carrera investigadora en hospitals d'Espanya perquè puguin convertir-se en investigadors excel·lents en càncer.
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3-year fellowships designed to attract qualified, promising scientists entering their professional career in the T1D research field; intended for those in a relatively early state in their career.
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3-year fellowships for qualified and promising health scientists, to provide an opportunity to receive full time research training, and to assist these promising individuals in transitioning from a fellowship to an independent (faculty-level) position.
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Objectiu primordial de la Societat Espanyola de Neuroradiologia (SENR) és la promoció de la investigació de la Neuroradiologia espanyola.
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Aquestes beques consisteixen en un ajut econòmic a investigadors/es amb títol de doctor/a per a desenvolupar treballs de recerca en el camp del càncer colorectal en un Centre reconegut de Catalunya i/o d’Espanya.
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Two-year grants of $120,000 to support the salary and benefits of a postdoctoral or clinical research fellow to conduct cancer disparities research.
Hernández P*, Pereira JA, Gimeno M. Registries and databases: How can we use them?. Cir Espan 2022; 100(8): 517-519.
Granell-Gil M, Murcia-Anaya M*, Sevilla S, Martínez-Plumed R, Biosca-Pérez E, Cózar-Bernal F, Garutti I, Gallart L, Ubierna-Ferreras B, Sukia-Zilbeti I, Gálvez-Muñoz C, Delgado-Roel M, Mínguez L, Bermejo S, Valencia O, Real M, Unzueta C, Ferrando C, Sanchez F, González S, Ruiz-Villén C, Lluch A, Hernández A, Hernández-Beslmeisl J, Vives M, Vicente R. Clinical guide to perioperative management for videothoracoscopy lung resection (Section of Cardiac, Vascular and Thoracic Anesthesia, SEDAR; Spanish Society of Thoracic Surgery, SECT; Spanish Society of Physiotherapy). Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim 2021; 69(5): 266-301.
Vílchez F*, Meraz-Ostíz JA, Carrión-Barberá I, González-Farré M, Carrion JA, Salman-Monte TC. Multi-organ Involvement in Non-pulmonary Sarcoidosis. Reumatol Clin 2021; 18(5): 309-311.
Garutti I, Cabañero A, Vicente R, Sánchez D, Granell M, Fraile CA, Real-Navacerrada M, Novoa N, Sanchez-Pedrosa G, Congregado M, Gómez A, Miñana E, Piñeiro P, Cruz P, de la Gala F, Quero F, Huerta LJ, Rodriguez M, Jiménez E, Puente-Maestu L, Aragon S, Osorio E, Sitges M, Lopez-Maldonado MD, Rios FT, Morales JE, Callejas R, Gonzalez-Bardancas S, Botella S, Cortés M, Yepes MJ, Iranzo R, Sayas J. Recommendations of the Society of Thoracic Surgery and the Section of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery of the Spanish Society of Anesthesia, Resuscitation and Pain Therapy, for patients undergoing lung surgery included in an intensified recovery program. Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim 2022; 69(4): 208-241.
de Miguel M, Gonzalez A, de Nadal M*, Biarnes A, Manrique S, Campins M, Álvarez A, Castellnou J, Pedregosa A, Rouras G, Martínez J, Osorio E, Montero A, Saludes J, Binagui AV, Farré C, Baumgartner ML, Cadena M, Lacambra M, Faura A, Ibáñez NF, Delgado R, Santiveri X, Escolano F, Tejedor A, Deiros C, Remartinez-Fernández F, Tobito J, Moret ML, Salmerón O, Isern X, Villalba N. Pre-operative prevalence of asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19 in hospitals in Catalonia during the first wave after the resumption of surgical activity. Cir Espan 2022; 100(6): 352-358.
Esteban S*, Terradas R, Castro T, Garcia E, Sobregrau-Sangrà P, Lacueva-Pérez L. COVID-19 pandemic on health professionals in a third level hospital in Spain: job changes during the first wave, mental health at 4 months, and follow-up at 9 months. Enfermería Clínica 2022; 32(3): 143-151.
Rodriguez de Dios N*, Navarro-Martin A, Cigarral C, Chicas Sett R, Garcia R, Garcia V, Gonzalez JA, Gonzalo S, Murcia M, Robaina R, Sotoca A, Vallejo C, Valtueña G, Couñago F. GOECP/SEOR radiotheraphy guidelines for non-small-cell lung cancer. World J Clin Oncol 2022; 13(4): 237-266.
Valle X*, Mechó S, Alentorn-Geli E, Järvinen TAH, Lempainen L, Pruna R, Monllau JC, Rodas G, Isern-Kebschull J, Ghrairi M, Yanguas X, Balius R, Martinez-de la Torre A. Return to Play Prediction Accuracy of the MLG-R Classification System for Hamstring Injuries in Football Players: A Machine Learning Approach. Sports Med 2022; 52(9): 2271-2282.
Ochoa-Arnedo C*, Prats C, Travier N, Marques-Feixa L, Flix-Valle A, Lleras M, Domingo-Gil E, Medina JC, Serra-Blasco M. Stressful Life Events and Distress in Breast Cancer: A 5-Years Follow-Up. Int J Clin Health Psychol . 2022; 22(2): 100303.
Goni L, Razquin C, Toledo E, Guasch-Ferré M, Clish CB, Babio N, Wittenbecher C, Atzeni A, Li J, Liang L, Dennis C, Alonso-Gómez A, Fitó Colomer M, Corella D, Gómez Gracia E, Estruch Riba R, Fiol M, Lapetra J, Serra Majem Ll, Ros E, Arós F, Salas Salvadó J, Hu FB, Martínez-González MA, Ruiz Canela M*. Arginine catabolism metabolites and atrial fibrillation or heart failure risk: two case-control studies within the PREDIMED trial. Am J Clin Nutr 2022; 116(3): 653-662.
Navarro P, Laserna-Mendieta EJ, Casabona S, Savarino E, Pérez-Fernández MT, Ghisa M, Pérez-Martínez I, Guagnozzi D, Perelló A, Guardiola-Arévalo A, Racca F, Betoré E, Blas-Jhon L, Lund Krarup A, Martin-Dominguez V, Maniero D, Suárez A, Llerena-Castro R, de la Peña L, Granja-Navacerrada A, Pellegatta G, Alcedo J, de Hurtado L, Feo-Ortega S, Barrio J, Gutiérrez-Junquera C, Fernández-Fernández S, De la Riva S, Naves JE, Carrión S, Ciriza de los ríos C, García-Morales N, Rodríguez-Oballe JA, Dainese R, Rodríguez-Sánchez A, Masiques-Mas ML, Palomeque MT, Santander C, Tamarit-Sebastián S, Arias Á, Lucendo AJ*. Accurate and timely diagnosis of Eosinophilic Esophagitis improves over time in Europe. An analysis of the EoE CONNECT Registry. United European Gastroenterol J 2022; 10(5): 507-517.
Viadas R, Toloba A, Fernández-Pérez I, Sayols-Baixeras S, Hernáez A, Schröder H, Dégano IR, Lassale C, Marrugat J, Elosua R*. Association of physical activity with high-density lipoprotein functionality in a population-based cohort: the REGICOR study. Rev Esp Cardiol 2023; 76(2): 86-93.
Carreras-Gallo N, Cáceres A, Balagué-Dobón L, Ruiz-Arenas C, Andrusaityte S, Carracedo A, Casas M, Chatzi L, Grazuleviciene R, Gutzkow KB, Lepeule J, Maitre L, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Slama R, Stratakis N, Thomsen C, Urquiza J, Wright J, Yang T, Escaramís G, Bustamante M, Vrijheid M, Pérez-Jurado L, González JR*. The early-life exposome modulates the effect of polymorphic inversions on DNA methylation. Commun Biol 2022; 5(1): 455.
Brambilla-Pisoni C, Muñoz-Moreno E, Gallego-Amaro I, Maldonado R, Ivorra A, Soria G, Ozaita A*. Auricular Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation Acutely Modulates Brain Connectivity in Mice. Front Cell Neurosci 2022; 16: (Acceptat).
Atzeni A, Bastiaanssen TFS, Cryan JF, Tinahones FJ, Vioque López J, Corella D, Fitó Colomer M, Vidal Alaball J, Moreno-Indias I, Gómez-Pérez AM, Torres-Collado L, Coltell O, Castañer O, Bulló M*, Salas Salvadó J. Taxonomic and Functional Fecal Microbiota Signatures Associated With Insulin Resistance in Non-Diabetic Subjects With Overweight/Obesity Within the Frame of the PREDIMED-Plus Study. Frontiers In Endocrinology 2022; 13: 804455 (Acceptat).
Craciun OM, Ortolá R, Pascual JA, Pérez-Ortuño R, Galán I, Banegas JR, Rodríguez-Artalejo F, García-Esquinas E*. Secondhand tobacco smoke and functional impairments in older adults living in the community. Nicotine & Tob Res 2022; 24(12): 2026-2034.
Bullich G, Matalonga L, Pujadas M, Papakonstantinou A, Piscia D, Tonda R, Artuch R, Gallano P, Garrabou G, González JR, Grinberg D, Guitart M, Laurie S, Lázaro C, Luengo C, Marti R, Milà M, Ovelleiro D, Parra G, Pujol A, Tizzano E, Macaya A, Palau F, Ribes A, Pérez-Jurado L, Beltran S*, Undiagnosed Rare Disease Program of Catalonia (URD-Cat) Consortium. Systematic Collaborative Reanalysis of Genomic Data Improves Diagnostic Yield in Neurologic Rare Diseases. J Mol Diagn 2022; 24(5): 529-542.
Santia P, Jansana A, Del Cura M, Padilla M, Domingo L, Louro J, Comas M, Sanz T, Duarte-Salles T, Redondo M, Ibañez B, Prados-Torres A, Castells X, Sala M*, SURBCAN Group. Adherence of long-term breast cancer survivors to follow-up care guidelines: a study based on real-world data from the SURBCAN cohort. Breast Cancer Res Tr 2022; 193(2): 455-465.
Jimeno-Martínez A, Maneschy I, Moreno LA, Bueno-Lozano G*, de Miguel-Etayo P, Flores-Rojas K, Jurado-Castro JM, de Lamas C, Vázquez-Cobela R, Martinez R, Portoles O, Martínez J.A, Navas-Carretero S, Schröder H, Fitó Colomer M, Babio N, Salas Salvadó J, Leis R, Gil-Campos M, Rupérez AI. Reliability and Validation of the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire in 3- to 6-Year-Old Spanish Children. Front Psychol 2022; 13: 705912 (Acceptat).
Ntani G*, Coggon D, Felli VE, Harari F, Barrero LH, Felknor SA, Rojas M, Serra C, Bonzini M, Merisalu E, Habib RR, Sadeghian F, Wickremasinghe AR, Matsudaira K, Nyantumbu-Mkhize B, Kelsall HL, Harcombe H, Walker-Bone K. Patterns of change of multisite pain over one year of follow-up and related risk factors. Eur J Pain 2022; 26(7): 1499-1509.
Tormo-Mainar S*, March-Rodriguez A, González-Farré M, Pujol RM. Ein zweijähriges Mädchen mit bläulich-erythematösem Tumor an der Schulter. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 2022; 20(5): 703-706.
Tizon H*, Vaquerizo B, Mauri J, Farré N, Lidón RM, García-Picart J, Regueiro A, Ariza-Solé A, Carrillo X, Duran X, Poirier P, Cladellas M, Camps-Vilaró A, Ribas N, Cubero H, Marrugat J. Socioeconomic Status and Prognosis of Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Managed by the Emergency-Intervention "Codi IAM" Network. Front Cardiovasc Med . 2022; 9: 847982 (Acceptat).
Caroz-Armayones JM*, Benach J, Delclós C, Julia M. The double burden of precariousness: linking housing, employment, and perceived stress - a cross-sectional study. Int J Environ Heal R 2023; 33(11): 1102-1111.
Heeman F*, Yaqub M, Hendriks J, van Berckel BNM, Collij LE, Gray KR, Manber R, Wolz R, Garibotto V, Wimberley C, Ritchie C, Barkhof F, Gispert JD, Vallez-Garcia D, Lopes I, Lammertsma AA, AMYPAD Consortium. Impact of cerebral blood flow and amyloid load on SUVR bias. EJNMMI Res . 2022; 12(1): 29.
Basurte-Villamor I, Vega P, Roncero C, Martínez-Raga J, Grau-López L, Aguilar L, Torrens M, Szerman N*. A Feasibility Study of Patients with Major Depression and Substance Use Disorders: Vortioxetine as Maintenance Treatment. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2022; 18: 965-976 (Acceptat).
Szabados B, Kockx M, Assaf ZJ, van Dam PJ, Rodríguez-Vida A, Duran I, Crabb SJ, van der Heijden MS, Font-Pous A, Gravis G, Anido U, Protheroe A, Ravaud A, Maillet D, Mendez MJ, Suarez C, Linch M, Prendergast A, Tyson C, Stanoeva D, Daelemans S, Rombouts M, Mariathasan S, Tea JS, Mousa K, Sharma S, Aleshin A, Banchereau R, Castellano D, Powles T*. Final Results of Neoadjuvant Atezolizumab in Cisplatin-ineligible Patients with Muscle-invasive Urothelial Cancer of the Bladder. Eur Urol 2022; 82(2): 212-222.
Moreno DF, Clapés V, Soler JA, González-Montes Y, Gironella M, Motlló C, Granell M, Abella E, García-Pintos M, García-Guiñon A, Cabezudo E, Bladé J, Rosiñol L*. Real-World Evidence of Daratumumab Monotherapy in Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma Patients and Efficacy on Soft-Tissue Plasmacytomas. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk 2022; 22(8): 635-642.
Frid P*, Xu H*, Mitchell BD, Drake M, Wasselius J, Gaynor B, Ryan K, Giese A, Schirmer M, Donahue K, Irie R, Bouts MJRJ, McIntosh E, Mocking S, Dalca AV, Giralt E, Holmegaard L, Jood K, Roquer-González J, Cole W, McArdle P, Broderick JP, Jiménez Conde J, Jern C, Kissela BM, Kleindorfer DO, Lemmens R, Meschia J, Rosand J, Rundek T, Sacco R, Schmidt R, Sharma P, Slowik A, Thijs V, Woo D, Worrall B, Kittner J, Petersson J, Golland P, Wu O, Rost N, Lindgren A. Migraine-associated common genetic variants confer greater risk of posterior vs. anterior circulation ischemic stroke?. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2022; 31(8): 106546.
Tartour K, Andriani F, Folco EG, Letkova D, Schneider R, Saidi I, Sato T, Welz PS, Benitah SA, Allier C, Padmanabhan K*. Mammalian PERIOD2 regulates H2A.Z incorporation in chromatin to orchestrate circadian negative feedback. Nat Struct Mol Biol 2022; 29(6): 549-562.
Solé L, Lobo T, Alvarez D, Alonso J, Guillén Y, Guix M, Sangrador I, Rozalen C, Vert A, Barbachano A, Lop J, Salido M, Bellosillo B, Garcia-Romero R, Garrido M, González J, Martínez-Iniesta M, López-Arribillaga E, Salazar R, Montagut C, Torres F, Iglesias M, Celià-Terrassa T, Muñoz A, Villanueva A, Bigas A*, Espinosa L*. p53 wild-type colorectal cancer cells that express a fetal gene signature are associated with metastasis and poor prognosis. Nat Commun 2022; 13(1): 2866.
García-Blanco A, Domingo L, Cabana-Domínguez J, Fernández-Castillo N, Pineda-Cirera L, Mayneris-Perxachs J, Burokas A, Espinosa JA, Arboleya S, Latorre J, Stanton C, Cormand B, Fernández JM, Martín-García E, Maldonado R*. miRNA signatures associated with vulnerability to food addiction in mice and humans. J Clin Invest 2022; 132(10): e156281.
Garcia-Martin P, Moñiz-Díez A, Sánchez-Maldonado JM, Cabrera-Serrano AJ, Ter-Horst R, Benavente Y, Landi S, Macauda A, Clay-Gilmour A, Hernández-Mohedo F, Niazi Y, González-Sierra P, Espinet B, Rodriguez JJ, Maffei R, Blanco G, Giaccherini M, Puiggros A, Cerhan J, Marasca R, Cañadas-Garre M, López-Nevot MÁ, Chen-Liang T, Thomsen H, Gámez I, Moreno-Torres V, Marcos-Gragera R, García-Álvarez M, Llorca J, Jerez A, Berndt S, Butrym A, Norman AD, Casabonne D, Luppi M, Slager SL, Hemminki K, Li Y, Alcoceba-Sanchez M, Campa D, Canzian F, de Sanjosé S, Försti A, Netea MG, Jurado M, Sainz J*. Validation and functional characterization of GWAS-identified variants for chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a CRuCIAL study. Blood Cancer J 2022; 12(5): 79.
Sousa-Pinto B, Schünemann HJ, Sá Sousa A, Vieira R, Amaral R, Antó JM, Klimek L, Czarlewski W, Mullol J, Pfaar O, Bedbrook A, Brussino L, Kvedariene V, Larenas Linnemann D, Okamoto Y, Ventura M, Agache I, Ansotegui I, Bergmann K, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Brozek J, Canonica GW, Cardona V, Carreiro-Martins P, Casale T, Cecchi L, Chivato T, Chu D, Cingi C, Costa E, Cruz A, Del Giacco S, Devillier P, Eklund P, Fokkens W, Gemicioglu B, Haahtela T, Ivancevich J, Ispayeva Z, Jutel M, Kuna P, Kaidashev I, Khaitov M, Kraxner H, Laune D, Lipworth B, Louis R, Makris M, Monti R, Morais Almeida M, Mösges R, Niedoszytko M, Papadopoulos N, Patella V, Pham Thi N, Regateiro F, Reitsma S, Rouadi P, Samolinski B, Sheikh A, Sova M, Todo Bom A, Taborda Barata L, Toppila Salmi S, Sastre J, Tsiligianni I, Valiulis A, Vandenplas O, Wallace D, Waserman S, Yorgancioglu A, Zidarn M, Zuberbier T, Almeida-Fonseca J, Bousquet J*. Comparison of rhinitis treatments using MASK-air® data and considering the Minimal Important Difference. Allergy 2022; 77(10): 3002-3014.
Julià A*, Gómez-Martín A, López-Lasanta M, Blanco F, Erra A, Fernandez-Nebro A, Juan-Mas A, Pérez C, García-Vivar ML, Sánchez-Fernández S, Alperi-López M, Sanmartí R, Ortiz AM, Marras C, Díaz-Torné C, Moreno E, Li T, Martínez-Mateu SH, Absher DM, Myers RM, Tornero J, Marsal S*. Longitudinal analysis of blood DNA methylation identifies mechanisms of response to tumor necrosis factor inhibitor therapy in rheumatoid arthritis. EBioMedicine 2022; 80: 104053.
Gomez-Roca C*, Cassier P, Zamarin D, Machiels JP, Pérez-Gracia JL, Hodi FS, Taus A, Martínez-García M, Boni V, Eder JP, Hafez N, Sullivan R, Mcdermott D, Champiat S, Aspeslagh S, Terret C, Jegg AM, Jacob W, Cannarile MA, Ries C, Korski K, Michielin F, Christen R, Babitzki G, Watson C, Meneses-Lorente G, Weisser M, Rüttinger D, Delord JP, Marabelle A. Anti-CSF-1R emactuzumab in combination with anti-PD-L1 atezolizumab in advanced solid tumor patients naïve or experienced for immune checkpoint blockade. J IMMUNOTHER CANCER 2022; 10(5): e004076.
Valero E*, Utzet M, Martín U. [How do the different dimensions of precarious employment affect mental health?]. Gac Sanit 2022; 36(5): 477-483.
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