INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 620
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L’objectiu d’aquesta acció és impulsar el progrés científic de la Fisioteràpia mitjançant el foment de la recerca en el seu àmbit.
La convocatòria està destinada a patrocinar la investigació clínica, experimental, de salut pública o d’atenció social en tots els àmbits relacionats amb l’exercici de la Fisioteràpia, bé sigui en centres públics, privats, centres d’investigació, universitats i organitzacions no governamentals.
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GETTHI - Grupo Español de Oncología Transversal y Tumores Huérfanos e Infrecuentes (GETTHI)
L'objectiu es estimular l'elaboració de propostes originals de projectes d'investigació que reverteixin en l'avanç de la terapèutica clínica i en el millor coneixement d'aquests tumors.
Borses de viatge
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The Company of Biologists' journals – Development, Journal of Cell Science, The Journal of Experimental Biology, and Disease Models & Mechanisms (DMM) – offer fellowships to graduate students and post-doctoral researchers wishing to make collaborative visits to other laboratories. These are designed to offset the cost of travel and other expenses.

Applicants should be working in the field of the journal to which they apply.
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Oferir aquest reconeixement a una persona de nacionalitat espanyola que investigui en el camp de la Biologia Molecular.
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El Premi Dr. J. Font per al metge primer signant d'un treball original de recerca mèdica publicat en una revista nacional o estrangera, tant en paper com en format digital, durant l'any 2018, que ha de tenir una aplicació potencial en la pràctica mèdica.
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Recursos Humans
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La missió de l'Institut Weizmann de Ciències (Rehovot, Israel), per fomentar el descobriment i la innovació es basa en l'imperatiu d'educar i preparar la propera generació de joves científics per introduir noves idees en el món de la ciència. La major part del treball d'investigació pràctica a l'Institut és realitzada per estudiants graduats i investigadors postdoctorals.
En línia amb aquesta filosofia, la Fundació "la Caixa" ofereix tres beques postdoctorals per als doctors més talentosos d'Espanya per realitzar la seva investigació a l'Institut Weizmann de Ciències. Aquests becaris postdoctorals es beneficiaran de l'excel·lent programa de mentors i de l'atmosfera multidisciplinària de l'Institut.
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La Societat Espanyola de Cardiologia (SEC) i el Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) ofereixen a professionals mèdics durant les seves primeres etapes de residència al programa MIR de Cardiologia, l'oportunitat d'entrar en contacte amb la investigació cardiovascular en els laboratoris del CNIC a través del Programa RES @ CNIC.
El propòsit d'aquest Programa és oferir als residents en Cardiologia, l'oportunitat d'entrar en contacte amb la investigació cardiovascular, coneixent i aprenent les últimes tècniques d'investigació biomèdica que es desenvolupen en els laboratoris del CNIC, sota la supervisió d'un científic del centre . A més, els residents inclosos en aquest Programa rebran formació teòrica sobre investigació cardiovascular mitjançant un mòdul de classes impartides per a experts en aquesta àrea.
Informació últil
 No hi ha novetats
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Fomentar la investigació clínica independent, amb medicaments d'ús humà i / o teràpies avançades, mitjançant el finançament de projectes no promoguts per la indústria farmacèutica.
Seran susceptibles de finançament dels projectes de qualitat contrastada dirigits al desenvolupament d'assajos clínics que permetin objectivar avenços tangibles per als pacients i que proporcionin evidències a les autoritats sanitàries per a la seva implantació en el SNS.
Amb aquesta actuació es pretén potenciar la recerca translacional i afavorir la transferència i aplicació del coneixement científic - tècnic a la millora en el tractament de les malalties.
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By specifically targeting promising early-career scientists and providing critically needed “seed” money for innovative projects, Concern Foundation supports development of the next generation of cancer researchers and thus promotes progress in understanding cancer biology and improved approaches to cancer.
Proposals must be hypothesis-driven and centered on cancer genetics, cancer biology, or cancer immunology. Concern will not fund clinical trials, cancer epidemiology, or behavioral studies.
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Advanced Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. Applicant Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal.
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The EFSD/Lilly Programme aims to promote increased European diabetes research and to raise public awareness and political understanding of the magnitude and burden of the disease. The EFSD/Lilly Programme will accept applications within any area of basic or clinical diabetes research.
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Amb l'objectiu de promoure la investigació oncològica a Espanya. La finalitat d'aquest ajut, és donar suport als millors investigadors en el camp del càncer de mama i promoure la ràpida transmissió dels avenços científics en aquest camp als pacients. Per a això, es reconeix un projecte científic presentat per professionals consolidats en el camp del càncer de mama que treballin en institucions espanyoles involucrades en aquest tipus d'investigació
L'acte de lliurament de l'ajut tindrà lloc al 11 de novembre de 2019 a Madrid.
El premiat haurà d'estar present en la cerimònia de lliurament de la beca.
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La finalitat de la beca, que el 2019 celebra el seu 10è aniversari, és completar la formació de joves investigadors en el camp de l'Oncologia i promoure la ràpida transmissió dels avenços científics en aquest camp als pacients. Per això, es reconeix un projecte científic presentat per professionals novells que treballin en institucions espanyoles involucrades en aquest tipus d'investigació.
L'acte de lliurament de la 17a edició de la Beca FERO tindrà lloc al 11 de novembre de 2019 a Madrid.
El premiat haurà d'estar present en la cerimònia de lliurament de la beca.
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La present convocatòria té la finalitat de recolzar projectes socials, a escala local, que tinguin com a objectiu millorar la qualitat de vida de les persones en situació de vulnerabilitat.
Àrees d'actuacions:
  • Atenció a l'envelliment, a la discapacitat i al suport o tractament de malalties.
  • Pobresa i exclusió social.
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    Fondation Leducq is a French non-profit health research foundation, the mission of which is to improve human health through international efforts to combat cardiovascular and neurovascular disease.

    The principal aim of this program is to foster outstanding and innovative scientific research by bringing together international teams of researchers with complementary expertise and resources to work together on a common thematic problem. The proposals should aim to generate new knowledge with the potential to advance the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of cardiovascular and neurovascular disease. Early career investigators play a vital role in these networks, which provide an excellent context for training and career development in cardiovascular and neurovascular research.
    Each network is built around a transatlantic research alliance involving two network coordinators, the European Coordinator and the North American Coordinator.
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    The Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) challenges the scientific community to design research that will address the urgency of ending breast cancer. Specifically, the BCRP seeks to accelerate high-impact research with clinical relevance, encourage innovation and stimulate creativity,and facilitate productive collaborations.
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    The PRCRP was initiated in 2009 to provide support for cancer research of exceptional scientific merit not addressed by the breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, and ovarian cancer research programs executed and managed by the Office of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP).
    The goal of the PRCRP is to improve mission readiness and quality of life by decreasing the burden of cancer on Service members, their families, and the American public. The PRCRP is charged by Congress with the mission to investigate cancer risks and knowledge gaps that may be relevant to active duty Service members, their families, other military beneficiaries, and the American public.
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    The Company of Biologists' journals – Development, Journal of Cell Science, The Journal of Experimental Biology, and Disease Models & Mechanisms (DMM) – will consider applications for a grant towards the cost of running a small meeting within the fields of our journals. This would normally be a small budget, local meeting.
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    The Company of Biologists' journals – Development, Journal of Cell Science, The Journal of Experimental Biology, and Disease Models & Mechanisms (DMM) – consider funding requests from the organisers of a range of charitable activities including – but not limited to meetings -workshops and conferences in the fields covered by our journals. Organisers may use a grant from The Company of Biologists in a variety of ways, for example to meet the expenses of a plenary or keynote speaker, assist with travel for early career scientists, or to reduce (or waive) registration fees.
    Borses de viatge
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    The Company of Biologists' journals – Development, Journal of Cell Science, The Journal of Experimental Biology, and Disease Models & Mechanisms (DMM) – offer fellowships to graduate students and post-doctoral researchers wishing to make collaborative visits to other laboratories. These are designed to offset the cost of travel and other expenses.

    Applicants should be working in the field of the journal to which they apply.
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    The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) carries out programs that provide overseas researchers who have an excellent record of research achievements with an opportunity to conduct collaborative research, discussions, and opinion exchanges with researchers in Japan. These programs are intended to help advance the overseas researchers' research activities while promoting science and internationalization in Japan.
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    Fundacio Sanitas
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    L'objecte del guardó és donar suport a projectes innovadors impulsats per universitats, instituts de recerca, spin offs, start-up 's ..., dirigits a millorar la qualitat de vida i l'atenció a persones en situació de cronicitat, dependència o amb discapacitat. S'acceptaran dos tipus de treballs:
    1. Projectes de recerca bàsica o clínica dirigits a produir nou coneixement en l'àmbit de l'atenció sociosanitària; 2. Projectes tècnics i tecnològics que aportin solucions innovadores a nivell social, assistencial, terapèutic o rehabilitador i que hagin demostrat la seva viabilitat i utilitat.

    Es valorarà la qualitat científica i tècnica del projecte presentat, la innovació que introdueix, el seu impacte social i els resultats obtinguts o que s'espera obtenir per millorar la qualitat de vida dels destinataris del projecte.
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    The European Young Researchers’ Award (EYRA), granted by EuroScience since 2010, aims to inspire early stage researchers in all research areas to incorporate a European dimension and perspective into their research. Two awards are granted every two years to: a) a PhD candidate and b) a postdoctoral fellow.
    The prize-giving ceremony for the two awards is held at the biennial EuroScience flagship event, EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF). The Award consists of a certificate, waiving the participation fee to ESOF, a grant to cover travel and accommodation for the stay in the ESOF city and one year free EuroScience membership.
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    Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Foundation
    The Brain Prize has been established by a private Danish foundation, the Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Foundation. Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Prize – ‘The Brain Prize’- is awarded to one or more scientists who have distinguished themselves by an outstanding contribution to European neuroscience and who are still active in research.
    The Brain Prize recognises highly original and influential advances in any area of brain research, defined as research on any aspects of the brain and the nervous system in health and disease. It is a broad research field, encompassing a wide range of disciplines from basic neuroscience to applied clinical research aimed at producing new scientific knowledge on aetiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of diseases affecting the brain and the nervous system.
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    ASCI - American Society for Clinical Investigation
    The American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI) established in 1908, is one of the nation's oldest and most respected medical honor societies. The ASCI is dedicated to the advancement of research that extends the understanding and improves the treatment of human diseases, and its members are committed to mentoring future generations of physician-scientists.

    The Harrington Discovery Institute at University Hospitals Case Medical Center, part of a national initiative unveiled in February 2012 called the Harrington Project, is a nonprofit medical institute dedicated to physician-scientists, enabling them to transform breakthrough insights into novel therapies that enhance patient care. The Harrington Project is fueled by $250 million in donations and other funding, including $50 million from the Harrington Family.
    Recursos Humans
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    The EIPOD programme underlines EMBL’s strong commitment to promoting interdisciplinary research. The institution has a long-standing tradition of scientific excellence that builds on highly interactive research between the group leaders of different research units. EIPOD projects capitalise on synergies emerging at the borders of overlapping yet separate scientific fields, and involve transferring techniques to a novel context. The programme is open to all nationalities and offers about 20 positions annually.

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    La Societat Catalana d’Endocrinologia i Nutrició convoca dos ajuts, un de perfil bàsic i un altre de clínic per a realitzar un Treball de Recerca sobre un tema relacionat amb l’especialitat, la realització del qual ha de repercutir beneficiosament en l’Endocrinologia catalana.
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    The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) carries out programs that provide overseas researchers who have an excellent record of research achievements with an opportunity to conduct collaborative research, discussions, and opinion exchanges with researchers in Japan. These programs are intended to help advance the overseas researchers' research activities while promoting science and internationalization in Japan.
    Termini exhaurit
    The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) carries out programs that provide overseas researchers who have an excellent record of research achievements with an opportunity to conduct collaborative research, discussions, and opinion exchanges with researchers in Japan. These programs are intended to help advance the overseas researchers' research activities while promoting science and internationalization in Japan.
    Anguelovski I*, Triguero-Mas M, Connolly JJT, Kotsila P, Shokry G, Pérez-del-Pulgar C, García-Lamarca M, Argüelles L, Mangione J, Dietz K, Cole H. Gentrification and health in two global cities: a call to identify impacts for socially-vulnerable residents. Cities & Health 2020: (en Premsa).
    Villavicencio C*, Leache J, Marin J, Oliva I, Rodriguez A, Bodí M, Soni NJ. Basic critical care echocardiography training of intensivists allows reproducible and reliable measurements of cardiac output. Ultrasound J 2019; 11: 5.
    Carrión-Barberá I*, Salman-Monte TC, Castell S, Castro-Dominguez F, Ojeda F, Monfort J. Successful treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus pleuropericarditis with belimumab. Eur J Rheumatol 2019; 6(3): 150-152.
    Peñuelas O*, Keough E, López-Rodríguez L, Carriedo D, Gonçalves G, Barreiro E, Lorente JÁ. Ventilator-induced diaphragm dysfunction: translational mechanisms lead to therapeutical alternatives in the critically ill. Intensive Care Med Exp 2019; 7(Suppl 1): 48.
    Taieb J*, Jung A, Sartore-Bianchi A, Peeters M, Seligmann J, Zaanan A, Burdon P, Montagut C, Laurent-Puig P. The Evolving Biomarker Landscape for Treatment Selection in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. Drugs 2019; 79(13): 1375-1394.
    Prieto RM*, Rodriguez A, Sanchis P, Morey M, Fiol M, Grases F, Castañer O, Martínez-González MA, Salas-Salvadó J, Romaguera D. Association of Adherence to The Mediterranean Diet with Urinary Factors Favoring Renal Lithiasis: Cross-Sectional Study of Overweight Individuals with Metabolic Syndrome. Nutrients 2019; 11(8): E1708.
    Farràs M, Arranz S, Carrion S, Subirana I, Muñoz D, Blanchart G, Kool M, Solà R, Motilva MJ, Escolà-Gil JC, Rubió L, Fernández-Castillejo S, Pedret A, Estruch R, Covas MI, Fitó M, Hernáez A*, Castañer O*. A Functional Virgin Olive Oil Enriched with Olive Oil and Thyme Phenolic Compounds Improves the Expression of Cholesterol Efflux-Related Genes: A Randomized, Crossover, Controlled Trial. Nutrients 2019; 11(8): E1732.
    Vazquez A, Sanchez-Rodriguez E, Vargas F, Montoro-Molina S, Romero M, Espejo-Calvo JA, Vilchez P, Jaramillo S, Olmo-García L, Carrasco-Pancorbo A, de la Torre R, Fitó M, Covas MI, Martínez de Victoria E, Mesa MD*. Cardioprotective Effect of a Virgin Olive Oil Enriched with Bioactive Compounds in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Nutrients 2019; 11(8): E1728.
    Oliveras A*, Goday A, Sans-Atxer L, Arias-Cabrales C, Vázquez S, Benaiges D, Ramon-Moros JM, Pascual J. Changes in Central 24-h Ambulatory Blood Pressure and Hemodynamics 12 Months After Bariatric Surgery: the BARIHTA Study. Obes Surg 2020; 30(1): 195-205.
    Butt J*, Fernández de Larrea-Baz N, Tjalsma H, Roelofs R, Kato I, Martín V, Pérez Gómez B, Moreno V, Dierssen-Sotos T, Castilla J, Fernández Tardón G, Amiano P, Salas D, Alguacil J, Jiménez-Moleón JJ, Huerta JM, de Sanjosé S, Del Campo R, Kogevinas M, Pollán M, Pawlita M, Waterboer T, Boleij A, Aragonés Sanz N. Antibody responses to flagellin C and Streptococcus gallolyticus pilus proteins in colorectal cancer. Sci Rep 2019; 9: 10847.
    Blevins WR, Tavella T, Moro SG, Blasco-Moreno B, Closa-Mosquera A, Díez J, Carey LB, Albà MM*. Extensive post-transcriptional buffering of gene expression in the response to severe oxidative stress in baker's yeast. Sci Rep 2019; 9: 11005.
    Quirant-Sánchez B, Presas-Rodriguez S, Mansilla MJ, Teniente-Serra A, Hervás-García JV, Brieva L, Moral-Torres E, Cano A, Munteis E, Navarro-Barriuso J, Martínez-Cáceres EM*, Ramo-Tello C*. Th1Th17CM Lymphocyte Subpopulation as a Predictive Biomarker of Disease Activity in Multiple Sclerosis Patients under Dimethyl Fumarate or Fingolimod Treatment. Mediat Inflamm 2019; 2019: 8147803.
    Dyballa S*, Miñana R, Rubio-Brotons M, Cornet C, Pederzani T, Escaramis G, Garcia-Serna R, Mestres J, Terriente J*. Comparison of zebrafish larvae and hiPSC cardiomyocytes for predicting drug induced cardiotoxicity in humans. Toxicol Sci 2019; 171(2): 283-295.
    Albéniz E*, Alvarez-González MA, Espinós JC, Nogales O, Guarner C, Alonso P, Rodríguez-Téllez M, Herreros-de-Tejada A, Santiago J, Bustamante-Balén M, Sánchez JR, Ramos-Zabala F, Valdivielso E, Martínez-Alcalá F, Fraile M, Elosua A, Guerra Veloz M, Beroiz BI, Capdevila F, Enguita-Germán M. Clip Closure After Resection of Large Colorectal Lesions With Substantial Risk of Bleeding. Gastroenterology 2019; 157(5): 1213-1221.e4.
    Conde E, Hernandez S, Martínez R, Angulo B, de Castro J, Collazo-Lorduy A, Jimenez B, Muriel A, Mate JL, Moran T, Aranda I, Massuti B, Rojo F, Domine M, Sansano I, Garcia F, Felip E, Mancheño N, Juan O, Sanz J, Gonzalez-Larriba JL, Atienza-Cuevas L, Arriola-Arellano E, Abdulkader I, Garcia-Gonzalez J, Camacho C, Rodriguez-Abreu D, Teixido C, Reguart N, Gonzalez-Piñeiro A, Lazaro-Quintela M, Lozano MD, Gurpide A, Gomez-Roman J, Lopez-Brea M, Pijuan L, Salido M, Arriola E, Company A, Insa A, Esteban-Rodriguez I, Saiz M, Azkona E, Alvarez R, Artal A, Plaza ML, Aguiar D, Enguita AB, Benito A, Paz L, Garrido P, Lopez-Rios F*. Assessment of a New ROS1 Immunohistochemistry Clone (SP384) for the Identification of ROS1 Rearrangements in Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Patients: the ROSING Study. J Thorac Oncol 2019; 14(12): 2120-2132.
    de Sanjosé S, Serrano B, Tous S, Alejo M, Lloveras B, Quirós B, Clavero O, Vidal A, Ferrándiz-Pulido C, Pavón MÁ, Holzinger D, Halec G, Tommasino M, Quint W, Pawlita M, Muñoz N, Bosch FX, Alemany L*, RIS HPV TT, VVAP and Head and Neck study groups. Burden of Human Papillomavirus (HPV)-Related Cancers Attributable to HPVs 6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52 and 58. J Natl Canc Inst 2018; 2(4): pky045.
    Grau S*. Safety and tolerability of ceftobiprole. Rev Esp Quimioter 2019; 32 (Suppl 3): 34-36.
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    08003 Barcelona
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    En compliment de la Llei 34/2002, de Serveis de la Societat de la Informació i de Comerç Electrònic, aquest correu li hem enviat a partir de les dades de contacte que vostè ens ha facilitat. Si vostè no desitja rebre més comunicats, pot donar-se de baixa dirigint-se per escrit al Servei de Recursos Humans-IMIM ( tot indicant la paraula “baixa base de dades” a l’assumpte.
    Li recordem que podrà exercir els drets d’accés, rectificació, cancel·lació i oposició dirigint-se per escrit al Servei de Recursos Humans-IMIM (