INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 307
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Reliable Cancer Therapies (RCT) is a non-profit organization based in Switzerland that provides research-based information on cancer therapies and selectively funds the development of promising therapies.
RCT investigates information on cancer therapies for evidence to then inform the public about evidence-based cancer treatment choices. We help cancer patients and caregivers to structure and absorb the complex nature of cancer information for their decision-making on registered complementary or alternative therapies.
RCT is continuously looking for cancer therapies that have never been thoroughly examined and consider financing cancer treatments that can be deemed promising based on measurable results.
Reliable Cancer Therapies (RCT) announces € 300 000 for projects repurposing existing drugs for cancer treatment. The drugs must have been developed and approved for other indication(s). Relevant clinical trial endpoints (cancer survival & tumor response) should be the primary research assessments.
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The goal of the LCRP is to eradicate deaths from lung cancer to better the health and welfare of the military and the American public. As such, the LCRP will support and integrate research from multiple disciplines for risk assessment, early detection, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment for the control and cure of lung cancer.
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The aim of this request is to examine the comparative value of radiotherapy. The ROI, ASTRO, NCI and IOM call for generation of evidence to demonstrate the value of technologies and interventions in radiation oncology. Value encompasses aspects of both comparative and cost effectiveness but can be more broadly defined to include innovative approaches to evaluating the benefits and harms of radiation oncology interventions. The ROI supports studies that examine the comparative value of radiotherapy because such studies have the potential to generate the evidence needed to improve cancer outcomes while slowing the growth of health care spending.
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The Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) challenges the scientific community to design research that will address the urgency of ending breast cancer. Specifically, the BCRP seeks to accelerate high-impact research with clinical relevance, encourage innovation and stimulate creativity, facilitate multidisciplinary collaborations, and support future breast cancer leaders.
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The Prostate Cancer Research Program seeks to promote highly innovative, groundbreaking research; high-impact research with near-term clinical relevance; multidisciplinary synergistic research; translational studies to support the fluid transfer of knowledge between bedside and bench; research on patient survivorship and quality of life; the next generation of prostate cancer investigators through mentored research; and research on disparities in the incidence and mortality of prostate cancer.
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Fer possible la realització de projectes integrats en línies d'investigació. S'atorgarà una ajuda econòmica de lliure disposició per part del beneficiari de la beca, amb l'única finalitat que pugui finançar el projecte d'investigació.
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Fundacio Sanitas
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Aquests premis constituïxen el màxim reconeixement de la Fundació Pfizer a aquells mitjans i professionals de la comunicació que, de forma més destacada, hagin contribuït a la difusió del coneixement relacionat amb la salut i el foment dels hàbits de vida saludables en la població espanyola.
Informació últil
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RecerCaixa 2017
La convocatòria d’ajuts a la recerca RecerCaixa finançarà projectes de recerca desenvolupats per investigadors i investigadores de les universitats i centres de recerca de Catalunya.
La convocatòria persegueix principalment dos objectius: impulsar la recerca científica d’excel·lència al nostre país i apropar la ciència a la societat per fer-la partícip dels avenços científics i dels beneficis humans i socials de la recerca.
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The Alliance for Lupus Research (ALR) is an independent, voluntary health agency formed to provide a concentrated effort for the prevention, treatment and cure of systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus or SLE). The purpose of the ALR Target Identification in Lupus (TIL) grants program is to fund highly meritorious and innovative research focused on the identification and scientific and/or clinical advancement of therapeutic targets that will lead to new therapies for the treatment of lupus. This grant program has been established to develop new approaches to treat lupus more effectively and safely.
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The aim of this request is to examine the comparative value of radiotherapy. The ROI, ASTRO, NCI and IOM call for generation of evidence to demonstrate the value of technologies and interventions in radiation oncology. Value encompasses aspects of both comparative and cost effectiveness but can be more broadly defined to include innovative approaches to evaluating the benefits and harms of radiation oncology interventions. The ROI supports studies that examine the comparative value of radiotherapy because such studies have the potential to generate the evidence needed to improve cancer outcomes while slowing the growth of health care spending.
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The Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) challenges the scientific community to design research that will address the urgency of ending breast cancer. Specifically, the BCRP seeks to accelerate high-impact research with clinical relevance, encourage innovation and stimulate creativity, facilitate multidisciplinary collaborations, and support future breast cancer leaders.
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The Prostate Cancer Research Program seeks to promote highly innovative, groundbreaking research; high-impact research with near-term clinical relevance; multidisciplinary synergistic research; translational studies to support the fluid transfer of knowledge between bedside and bench; research on patient survivorship and quality of life; the next generation of prostate cancer investigators through mentored research; and research on disparities in the incidence and mortality of prostate cancer.
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The Resource Development Award has been established to support product-driven research aimed at developing well-annotated tools for use by the ovarian cancer research community to facilitate research in this disease. Specifically, this includes either developing a human-based resource or increasing the utility of an existing human-based resource.
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The OCRP Translational Leverage Award mechanism supports the leveraging of existing human-based ovarian cancer resources in translational research to address high-impact research ideas or unmet needs in ovarian cancer, particularly correlative or adjunct analyses associated with clinical trials. Clinical trials are not supported by this award mechanism
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Incentivar el treball de grups d'investigació espanyols i fomentar nous avanços en el coneixement de les patologies per sensibilitat al gluten.
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Estan dirigides a joves científiques dedicades a Ciències de la Vida que desenvolupin al llarg de l'any 2014 un projecte d'investigació en un laboratori.
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JDRF is the world’s leading non-profit organization with the mission to cure type 1 diabetes (T1D). The purpose of this call is to invite proposals to support and advance the discovery, development, and/or validation of biomarkers of pancreatic beta cell stress and dysfunction. Studies based on use or validation with human beta cells/islets and clinical samples or tissues will be of special interest.
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El programa d'ajuts a la recerca en immunologia té per objectiu donar suport a idees innovadores dins de les següents àrees de recerca:
  • Multicolor flow cytometry
  • Cell signaling
  • Cancer research
  • Immune function
  • Infectious diseases
  • Neuroscience research
    Borses de viatge
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    Podran prendre part en el concurs els doctors de nacionalitat espanyola que hagin defensat la tesi en els dos últims cursos acadèmics i hagin obtingut la qualificació Excel·lent cum laude.
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    Aquests premis constituïxen el màxim reconeixement de la Fundació Pfizer a aquells mitjans i professionals de la comunicació que, de forma més destacada, hagin contribuït a la difusió del coneixement relacionat amb la salut i el foment dels hàbits de vida saludables en la població espanyola.
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    Premiar els treballs relacionats amb infermeria en nefrologia.
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  • Investigació bàsica o experimental:
    Podran optar al premi els treballs que resumeixin investigacions bàsiques o experimentals per al millor coneixement de la morfologia i fisiologia normal del ronyó, i sobre la etiologia, patogenia, fisiopatologia o tractament de les seves alteracions patològiques. No haurien d'haver estat presentats amb anterioritat al premi al que concorren, i l'activitat investigadora que descriguin haurà d'haver-se desenvolupat amb anterioritat a la data de publicació de la convocatòria.
  • Investigació clínica o aplicada:
    Podran optar al premi els treballs que descriguin investigacions clíniques o aplicades per al millor coneixement i tractament de les patologies pròpies del ronyó o associades a les funcions renals. No haurien d'haver estat presentats amb anterioritat al premi al que concorren i l'activitat investigadora que descriguin haurà d'haver-se desenvolupat amb anterioritat a la data de publicació de la convocatòria.
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    Premiar i incentivar la recerca i la creació cultural en els següents àmbits:
  • Ciències bàsiques (física, química i matemàtiques)
  • Biomedicina
  • Ecologia i biologia de la conservació
  • Tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació
  • Economia, finances i gestió d'empreses
  • Música contemporània
  • Canvi climàtic
  • Cooperació al desenvolupament
    Recursos Humans
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    L'objecte d'aquestes ajudes és la contractació en centres de l'àmbit del SNS d'investigadors que hagin obtingut recentment el títol de doctor en el camp de la Biomedicina i Ciències de la Salut, per a perfeccionar la seva formació. Part de l'activitat subvencionada es desenvoluparà a centres diferents dels beneficiaris, estrangers o espanyols, de prestigi internacional.
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    The ELA Research Foundation invites the international scientific community to submit innovative research applications in the field of genetic leukodystrophies and myelin repair. It is a way to promote a better understanding of leukodystrophies and the development of promising therapies.
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    Aquestes beques consisteixen en una ajuda a postgraduats amb el títol de doctor, per a desenvolupar treballs d'investigació en el camp de l'estudi del càncer colorrectal, dirigits per un doctor en Ciències de la Salut, en un centre reconegut a Espanya.
    Zhang TY, Agarwal N*, Sonpavde G, DiLorenzo G, Bellmunt J, Vogelzang N. Management of Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer-Recent Advances and Optimal Sequence of Treatments. Curr Urol Rep 2013; 14(3): 174-183.
    Comín J*, Enjuanes C, González-Robledo G, Torrens A, Cladellas M, Meroño O, Ribas N, Ruiz-Bustillo S, Gómez-Pérez MA, Verdú JM, Bruguera J. Iron deficiency is a key determinant of health-related quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure regardless of anaemia status. Eur. J. Heart Fail. 2013; 15(10): 1164-1172.
    Devan WJ, Falcone GJ, Anderson CD, Jagiella JM, Schmidt H, Hansen BM, Jiménez Conde J, Giralt E, Cuadrado E, Soriano Tàrrga C, Ayres A, Schwab K, Kassis SB, Valant V, Pera J, Urbanik A, Viswanathan A, Rost N, Goldstein JN, Freudenberger P, Stögerer EM, Norrving B, Tirschwell DL, Selim M, Brown DL, Silliman SL, Worrall B, Meschia J, Kidwell CS, Montaner J, Fernández-Cadenas I, Delgado P, Greenberg SM, Roquer González J, Lindgren A, Slowik A, Schmidt R, Woo D, Rosand J*, Biffi A, and on behalf of the International Stroke Genetics Consortium. Heritability Estimates Identify a Substantial Genetic Contribution to Risk and Outcome of Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Stroke 2013; 44(6): 1578-1583.
    Azzaoui K, Jacoby E, Senger S, Cuadrado-Rodríguez E, Loza M, Zdrazil B, Pinto M, Williams AJ, de la Torre V, Mestres J, Pastor M, Taboureau O, Rarey M, Chichester C, Petiffer S, Blomberg N, Harland L, Williams-Jones B, Ecker G*. Scientific competency questions as the basis for semantically enriched open pharmacological space development. Drug Discov Today 2013; 18(17-18): 843-852.
    Forero CG, Vilagut G, Adroher ND, Alonso J*, ESEMeD/MHEDEA Investigators. Multidimensional item response theory models yielded good fit and reliable scores for the Short Form-12 questionnaire. J Clin Epidemiol 2013; 66(7): 790-801.
    Fernández-Bañares F, de Sousa MR, Salas A, Beltrán B, Piqueras M, Iglesias E, Gisbert JP, Lobo B, Puig-Divi V, García-Planella E, Ordas I, Andreu M, Calvo M, Montoro M, Esteve M, Viver JM, for the RECOMINA Project, GETECCU (Grupo Español de Enfermedades de Crohn y Colitis Ulcerosa). Impact of Current Smoking on the Clinical Course of Microscopic Colitis. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2013; 19(7): 1470-1476.
    Abulí A, Lozano JJ, Rodríguez-Soler M, Jover R, Bessa X, Muñoz J, Esteban-Jurado C, Fernández-Rozadilla C, Carracedo A, Ruiz-Ponte C, Cubiella J, Balaguer F, Bujanda L, Reñé JM, Clofent J, Morillas JD, Nicolás-Pérez D, Xicola RM, Llor X, Piqué JM, Andreu M, Castells A, Castellví-Bel S*, for the Gastrointestinal Oncology Group of the Spanish Gastroenterological Association (...,Iglesias M, Seoane A, Bory F, Navarro G, Bellosillo B, Dedeu JM, Álvarez C, Puigvehí M,...). Genetic susceptibility variants associated with colorectal cancer prognosis. Carcinogenesis 2013; 34(10): 2286-2291.
    de la Morena-Barrio ME, Buil A, Anton AI, Martínez-Martínez I, Miñano A, Gutiérrez-Gallego R, Navarro-Fernández J, Águila S, Souto JC, Vicente V, Soria JM, Corral J*. Identification of Antithrombin-Modulating Genes. Role of LARGE, a Gene Encoding a Bifunctional Glycosyltransferase, in the Secretion of Proteins?. PLoS ONE 2013; 8(5): e64998.
    Escaramís G, Tornador C, Bassaganyas L, Rabionet R, Tubio JM, Martínez-Fundichely A, Cáceres-Aguilar M, Gut M, Ossowski S, Estivill X*. PeSV-Fisher: Identification of Somatic and Non-Somatic Structural Variants Using Next Generation Sequencing Data. PLoS ONE 2013; 8(5): e63377.
    Nordsletten AE*, Monzani B*, Fernández-de la Cruz L, Iervolino AC, Fullana MA, Harris J, Rijsdijk FV, Mataix-Cols D. Overlap and specificity of genetic and environmental influences on excessive acquisition and difficulties discarding possessions: Implications for hoarding disorder. Am J Med Genet B 2013; 162(4): 380-387.
    López MA, Gabilondo A, Codony M, Forero CG, Vilagut G, Castellví P, Ferrer M, Alonso J*. Adaptation into Spanish of the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) and preliminary validation in a student sample. Qual Life Res 2013; 22(5): 1099-1104.
    López-Pueyo MJ, Olaechea PM*, Palomar-Martínez M, Insausti-Ordeñana J, Álvarez-Lerma F, ENVIN–HELICS Study Group. Quality control of the surveillance programme of ICU-acquired infection (ENVIN–HELICS registry) in Spain. J Hosp Infect 2013; 84(2): 126-131.
    Pérez-Prieto D*, Gil-González S, Pelfort X, Leal J, Puig L, Hinarejos P. Influence of Depression on Total Knee Arthroplasty Outcomes. J Arthroplasty 2014; 29(1): 44-47.
    Torres R*, Leal J, Hinarejos P, Pelfort X, Puig L. Correlation Study Between KSS, WOMAC and SF-36 Scores in Patients Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty in a Spanish Speaking Population. J Arthroplasty 2013; 28(6): 950-953.
    Lopez-Aventin D*, Ilzarbe L, Herrero-González J. Recurrent Digital Petechiae and Weight Loss in a Young Adult. Gastroenterology 2013; 144(7): e10-e11.
    Dorcaratto D, Grande L, Pera MR. Enhanced Recovery in Gastrointestinal Surgery: Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery. Dig Surg 2013; 30(1): 70-78.
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