INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 614
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The Nestlé Foundation supports basic and applied research in nutrition.
At present the Foundation's work is primarily concerned with human nutrition research issues dealing with:
  • maternal and child nutrition, including breastfeeding and complementary feeding,
  • macro- and micronutrient deficiencies and imbalances,
  • interactions between infection and nutrition, and
  • nutrition education and health promotion
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    Donar suport econòmicament a investigacions que, en l'àmbit de les Ciències Socials, versin específicament sobre temàtiques relacionades amb l'adolescència i la joventut. Es tracta d'impulsar, estimular i contribuir a la difusió investigadora centrada en aquesta població.
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    Beca dirigida a neuròlegs amb trajectòria de recerca acreditada, per a projectes de recerca en Neurosonologia que no comptin amb finançament de tercers.
    Borses de viatge
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    The EACR has joined forces with Worldwide Cancer Research to provide Travel Fellowships to enable early-career cancer researchers to gain new skills through a short-term visit to a lab or research group in another country.
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    The European Young Researchers’ Award (EYRA), granted by EuroScience since 2010, aims to inspire early stage researchers in all research areas to incorporate a European dimension and perspective into their research. Two awards are granted every two years to: a) a PhD candidate and b) a postdoctoral fellow.
    The prize-giving ceremony for the two awards is held at the biennial EuroScience flagship event, EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF). The Award consists of a certificate, waiving the participation fee to ESOF, a grant to cover travel and accommodation for the stay in the ESOF city and one year free EuroScience membership.
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    Informació últil
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    L'objecte de la present actuació és finançar la participació d'entitats espanyoles integrants de consorcis transnacionals que hagin concorregut prèviament a convocatòries transnacionals en què participa l'ISCIII, relacionades en l'Annex 2 de la convocatòria, sempre que hagin estat prioritzades en l'avaluació duta a terme pel programa europeu corresponent.
    Amb aquesta actuació es pretén finançar la contribució d'equips d'investigació espanyols en projectes transnacionals de recerca que demostrin un valor afegit de la col·laboració internacional en el camp de les ciències i tecnologies de la salut.
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    Donar suport econòmicament a investigacions que, en l'àmbit de les Ciències Socials, versin específicament sobre temàtiques relacionades amb l'adolescència i la joventut. Es tracta d'impulsar, estimular i contribuir a la difusió investigadora centrada en aquesta població.
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    Career Catalyst Research (CCR) Grants have fostered promising breast cancer researchers who are in the early stages of their faculty careers by providing support for up to three years of “protected time” for research career development under the guidance of a Mentor Committee. It is expected that following the successful completion of a CCR Grant, awardees will launch independent research careers, successfully compete for subsequent research project funding, and emerge as key leaders in the fight against breast cancer.
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    The Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) funds drug discovery and development research programs in the field of Alzheimer's disease (AD), related dementias and cognitive aging. The ADDF seeks to fill the critical translational funding gap between basic research and later stage drug development by funding promising drug discovery and development programs. In addition to funding academic programs, the ADDF also invests in and creates early stage biotechnology companies. The ADDF also co-sponsors conferences to stimulate new ideas and approaches in areas of interest to the Foundation.
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    La Fundació Mari Paz Jiménez Casado, en el marc de la seva estratègia d'estimular i potenciar el desenvolupament de projectes de formació clínica en sarcomes, posa en marxa la convocatòria de la "4a BECA MARI PAZ JIMENEZ CASADO". L'objectiu és fomentar i donar suport a la formació de metges que reverteixi en l'avanç de la terapèutica clínica i en el millor coneixement dels sarcomes que serà desenvolupada en un centre nacional o internacional. El propòsit és finançar una rotació presencial, en centres de reconegut prestigi, nacionals o internacionals, dins de les especialitats corresponents i amb la finalitat de complementar la formació rebuda.
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    The mission of the FY19 PCRP is to fund research that will lead to the elimination of death from prostate cancer and enhance the well-being of Service members, Veterans, and all men experiencing the impact of the disease. Within this context, the PCRP is interested in supporting research that addresses specific gaps in prostate cancer research and clinical care. Therefore, applications are required to address one or more of the following FY19 PCRP Overarching Challenges:
  • Improve the quality of life for survivors of prostate cancer
  • Develop treatments that improve outcomes for men with lethal prostate cancer
  • Reduce lethal prostate cancer in African Americans, Veterans, and other high-risk populations
  • Define the biology of lethal prostate cancer to reduce death
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    L'Ajuda Fundació Merck Salut en resultats de salut convoca la II edició de Recerca destinada a finançar projectes duts a terme a Espanya, en un termini mínim d'1 any i màxim de 3 anys.
    Borses de viatge
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    Albert Renold Travel Fellowships enable scientists and clinicians to travel and stay at other institutions in order to learn specific techniques or clinical skills required for the advancement of their diabetes research project and not available at their home institution.
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    In order to promote young scientists early in their career, SciLifeLab has engaged in a collaboration with AAAS and Science magazine, co-funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, to award an annual prize in the area of life science for the best PhD thesis work.

    The 2019 categories are:
  • Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Genomics, Proteomics and Systems Biology
  • Ecology and​ Environment
  • Molecular Medicine
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    'Institut Nacional de Seguretat i Higiene en el Treball, la Universitat de Barcelona, la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i la Universitat Pompeu i Fabra, amb la col·laboració de Fundació Prevent, creen el Premi Barcelona a la Millor Tesi Doctoral en PRL, aprovada en els últims 5 anys en Universitats espanyoles, amb la finalitat de contribuir a l'estudi i investigació de la Seguretat i Salut Laboral.
    La tesi doctoral consisteix en un treball original d'investigació elaborat pel doctorand o doctoranda, que capacita per al treball autònom en l'àmbit de la R + D + I.
    Els premis seran convocats anualment per premiar les millors tesis doctorals sobre la temàtica de prevenció de riscos laborals, aprovades en els últims cinc anys (2013 a 2017) a partir de la data de la convocatòria, i que van obtenir com a nota final el "cum laude".
    Recursos Humans
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    Convocar 5 beques / contractes predoctorals en Neurociència per a espanyols que vagin a realitzar la seva tesi doctoral en un programa de doctorat acreditat oficialment a Espanya.
    L'objectiu de les beques / contractes és la realització d'una tesi doctoral en Neurociència enfocada a la comprensió del sistema nerviós humà i de les malalties que l'afecten.
    Druet X, Acosta E, Soleakhena K, Laprie A, Sáez J, Nougaret S, Riou O, Rigal E, Kibranian L, Palacios M, Membrive I*. MRI in medical practice and its future use in radiation oncology. Resume of XXV GOCO Congress (Montpellier) 2017. Reports of Practical Oncology & Radiotherapy 2019; 24(4): 355-362.
    Muntasell A*, Servitja S, Cabo M, Bermejo B, Perez-Buira S, Rojo F, Costa-Garcia M, Arpí O, Moraru M, Serrano L, Tusquets I, Martínez MT, Heredia G, Vera A, Martínez-García M, Soria L, Comerma L, Santana-Hernández S, Eroles P, Rovira A, Vilches C, Lluch A, Albanell J*, López-Botet M. High numbers of circulating CD57+ NK cells associate with resistance to HER2-specific therapeutic antibodies in HER2+ primary breast cancer. Cancer Immunol Res 2019; 7(8): 1280-1292.
    Montalban X*, Arnold DL, Weber MS, Staikov I, Piasecka-Stryczynska K, Willmer J, Martin EC, Dangond F, Syed S, Wolinsky JS, Evobrutinib Phase 2 Study Group (...,Martínez-Rodríguez JE,...). Placebo-Controlled Trial of an Oral BTK Inhibitor in Multiple Sclerosis. New Engl J Med 2019; 380(25): 2406-2417.
    Tsivgoulis G*, Katsanos A.H, Grory B.M, Köhrmann M, Ricci BA, Tsioufis K, Cutting S, Krogias C, Schellinger PD, Campello AR, Cuadrado E, Gladstone DJ, Sanna T, Wachter R, Furie K.L, Alexandrov AV, Yaghi S. Prolonged Cardiac Rhythm Monitoring and Secondary Stroke Prevention in Patients With Cryptogenic Cerebral Ischemia. Stroke 2019; 50(8): 2175-2180.
    Rodríguez de Santiago E*, Burgos-Santamaria D, Pérez-Carazo L, Brullet E, Ciriano L, Riu F, de Jorge MA, Prados S, Pérez-Corte D, Becerro-Gonzalez I, Martinez-Moneo E, Barturen A, Fernández-Urién I, López-Serrano A, Ferre-Aracil C, Lopez-Ibañez M, Carbonell C, Nogales O, Martínez-Bauer E, Lantarón ÁT, Pagano G, Vázquez-Sequeiros E, Albillos A, García AG, Volpato N, Rodriguez-Escaja C, García-Alonso FJ, Sevilla-Ribota S, Marcos Prieto, Chavarría-Herbozo CM, Murcia O, Aranda-Hernández J, Borobia R, Lledó JG, Santander C, Coto D, Oyón D, Polo IO, González-Haba M, Torres CF, de Benito M, Peñas B, Parejo S, Juzgado D, Ibañez A, TC-325 collaboration project. Endoscopy group of the Spanish Association of Gastroenterology. Hemostatic spray powder TC-325 for GI bleeding in a nationwide study: survival and predictors of failure via competing risks analysis. Gastrointest Endosc 2019; 90(4): 581-590.e6.
    Bellet M*, Ahmad F, Villanueva R, Valdivia C, Palomino-Doza J, Ruiz-Ripoll I, Gonzàlez X, Adrover E, Azaro A, Valls-Margarit M, Parra JL, Aguilar J, Vidal M, Martin A, Gavilá J, Escrivá-de-Romaní S, Perelló A, Hernando C, Lahuerta A, Zamora P, Reyes V, Alcalde M, Masanas H, Céliz P, Ruíz I, Gil M, Seguí MÀ, de la Peña L. Palbociclib and ribociclib in breast cancer: consensus workshop on the management of concomitant medication. Ther Adv Med Oncol 2019: (en Premsa).
    Papandreou C, Bulló M, Díaz-López A, Martínez-González MA, Corella D, Castañer O, Vioque López J, Romaguera D, Martínez AJ, Pérez-Farinós N, López Miranda J, Estruch Riba R, Bueno-Cavanillas A, Alonso-Gómez A, Tur J.A, Tinahones F.J, Serra Majem Ll, Martin V, Lapetra J, Vazquez C, Pintó Sala X, Vidal J, Damiel L, Delgado-Rodriguez M, Ros E, Abete I, Barón-López J, Garcia-Arellano A, Sorli JV, Babio N, Schröder H, Toledo E, Fitó Colomer M, Salas Salvadó J*. High sleep variability predicts a blunted weight loss response and short sleep duration a reduced decrease in waist circumference in the PREDIMED-Plus Trial. Int J Obesity 2020; 44(2): 330-339.
    Schirmer MD*, Dalca AV, Sridharan R, Giese A, Donahue K, Nardin M, Mocking S, McIntosh E, Frid P, Wasselius J, Cole W, Holmegaard L, Jern C, Jiménez Conde J, Lemmens R, Lindgren AG, Meschia J, Roquer-González J, Rundek T, Sacco R, Schmidt R, Sharma P, Slowik A, Thijs V, Woo D, Vagal A, Xu H, Kittner J, McArdle P, Mitchell BD, Rosand J, Worrall B, Wu O, Golland P, Rost N, MRI-GENIE Investigators. White matter hyperintensity quantification in large-scale clinical acute ischemic stroke cohorts - The MRI-GENIE study. Neuroimage Clin 2019; 23: 101884 (en Premsa).
    Pujol J*, Ramos-López D, Blanco-Hinojo L, Pujol G, Ortiz H, Martínez-Vilavella G, Blanch J, Monfort J, Deus J. Testing the effects of gentle vibrotactile stimulation on symptom relief in fibromyalgia. Arthritis Res Ther 2019; 21: 148.
    Marquié M*, Castilla M, Valero S, Martínez J, Sánchez D, Hernández I, Rosende-Roca M, Vargas L, Mauleón A, Rodríguez-Gómez O, Abdelnour C, Gil S, Santos-Santos MA, Alegret M, Espinosa A, Ortega G, Pérez-Cordón A, Sanabria Á, Roberto N, Moreno-Grau S, de Rojas I, Simó R, Ciudin A, Hernandez C, Orellana A, Monté-Rubio G, Benaque A, Ruiz A, Tárraga L, Boada M. Visual impairment in aging and cognitive decline: experience in a Memory Clinic. Sci Rep 2019; 9(1): 8698.
    Bowen J, Fatjó J*, Serpell JA, Bulbena-Cabré A, Leighton E, Bulbena A. First evidence for an association between joint hypermobility and excitability in a non-human species, the domestic dog. Sci Rep 2019; 9(1): 8629.
    Téllez T, Abitei C, Padilla-Ruiz MDC, Rivas-Ruiz F, Fúnez R, Pereda T, Rodrigo I, Alcaide J, Baré ML, Morales M, Zabalza I, Sanchez del Charco M, Borrero JJ, Garcia del Moral R, Escobar A, Quintana JM, Aguirre U, Redondo M*, REDISSEC-CARESS/CCR group (...,Comas M, Gil MJ, Pera M,...). Biological and prognostic differences between symptomatic colorectal carcinomas and those detected by screening. Eur J Surg Oncol 2019; 45(10): 1876-1881.
    Pardo A, Rincón LM*, Guedes P, Belarte L, de Lara G, Tamayo A, Cruz-Utrilla A, Contreras H, Martínez-Cámara A, Huertas S, Portero-Portaz JJ, Salido L, Zamorano JL, Antithrombotic Management of patients with Breast cancER and Atrial Fibrillation multicenter registry (AMBER-AF) investigators. Current status of anticoagulation in patients with breast cancer and atrial fibrillation. Breast 2019; 46: 163-169 (en Premsa).
    Gutiérrez F*, Ruiz J, Peri JM, Garriz M, Vall G, Cavero M. Toward an Integrated Model of Pathological Personality Traits: Common Hierarchical Structure of the PID-5 and the DAPP-BQ. J Personality Disorders 2020; 34(Supplement C): 25-39.
    Cantacorps L, Alfonso-Loeches S, Guerri C, Valverde O*. Long-term epigenetic changes in offspring mice exposed to alcohol during gestation and lactation. J Psychopharmacol 2019; 33(12): 1562-1572.
    Llaneras J, Riveiro-Barciela M, Lens S, Diago M, Cachero A, García-Samaniego J, Conde I, Arencibia A, Arenas J, Gea F, Torras X, Calleja JL, Carrion JA, Fernández I, Morillas R, Rosales J, Carmona I, Fernández Rodríguez C, Hernández-Guerra M, Llerena S, Bernal V, Turnes J, González-Santiago JM, Montoliu S, Figueruela B, Badia E, Delgado M, Fernández-Bermejo M, Iñarrairaegui M, Pascasio JM, Esteban R, Mariño Z, Buti M*. Effectiveness and Safety of Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir/ Voxilaprevir in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Previously Treated with DAAs. J Hepatol 2019; 71(4): 666-672.
    Albero-González R, Hernández-Llodrà S*, Juanpere N, Lorenzo M, Lloret A, Segalés L, Duran X, Fumadó L, Cecchini L, Lloreta J. Immunohistochemical expression of mismatch repair proteins (MSH2, MSH6, MLH1, and PMS2) in prostate cancer: correlation with grade groups (WHO 2016) and ERG and PTEN status. Virchows Arch 2019; 475(2): 223-231.
    Remon J*, Esteller L, Taus A. Nivolumab plus ipilimumab combination therapy for the first-line treatment NSCLC: evidence to date. Cancer Management and Research 2019; 11: 4893-4904.
    Palma-Álvarez RF, Rodríguez-Cintas L, Abad AC, Sorribes M, Ros-Cucurull E, Robles-Martínez M, Grau-López L, Aguilar L, Roncero C*. Mood Disorders and Severity of Addiction in Alcohol-Dependent Patients Could Be Mediated by Sex Differences. Front Psychiatry 2019; 10: 343.
    Martín-Sánchez A, Warnault V, Montagud-Romero S, Pastor A, Mondragón N, de la Torre R, Valverde O*. Alcohol-induced conditioned place preference is modulated by CB2 cannabinoid receptors and modifies levels of endocannabinoids in the mesocorticolimbic system. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 2019; 183: 22-31.
    Pereira H*, Cengiz IF, Gomes S, Espregueira-Mendes J, Ripoll PL, Monllau JC, Reis RL, Oliveira JM. Meniscal allograft transplants and new scaffolding techniques. EFORT Open Rev 2019; 4(6): 279-295.
    Picó MD, Castillejo A, Murcia Ó, Giner-Calabuig M, Alustiza M, Sánchez A, Moreira L, Pellise M, Castells A, Carrillo-Palau M, Ramon Y, Gisbert-Beamud A, Llort G, Yagüe C, López-Fernández A, Álvarez C, Cubiella J, Rivas L, Rodríguez-Alcalde D, Herraiz M, Garau C, Dolz C, Bujanda L, Cid L, Povés C, Garzon M, Salces I, Ponce M, Hernández-Villalba L, Alenda C, Balaguer F, Soto JL, Jover R*. Clinical and Pathological Characterization of Lynch-Like Syndrome. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2020; 18(2): 368-374.e1.
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    08003 Barcelona
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