INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 718
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Fundació MAPFRE convoca l'any 2021 ajuts a la Investigació a fi de facilitar suport econòmic per a la realització de projectes d'investigació en Promoció de la Salut.
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Conjunt de premis i beques, dirigits a socis de la SEEN, per promoure el desenvolupament de la Endocrinologia i Nutrició en els seus aspectes clínics, docents i d'investigació.
Informació últil
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Support for the most talented investigators in the fields of diabetes research in Europe. Projects may be basic, translational and/or clinical research on diabetes or its comorbidities and complications.
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Support for fundamental, translational and clinical research projects that will strengthen the understanding, deepen the knowledge and/or will explore new therapeutic approaches for Down syndrome and other genetic diseases with intellectual disability.
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Funding for charitable activities including – but not limited to - meetings, workshops and conferences in the fields covered by The Company of Biologists' journals.
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Funding for the establishment of EFIS-IL Study Groups on specific areas of immunology-related research.
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EFIS and the European Journal of Immunology (EJI) are proud to offer financial support for immunology-themed meetings, workshops and schools that are organized in Europe and are international in nature.

Borses de viatge
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Dirigits a especialistes en Hematologia i Hemoteràpia, que desitgen realitzar una estada de curta durada en una altra institució, espanyola o estrangera, per a l'adquisició de tècniques específiques, en l'àmbit de les àrees que conformen l'especialitat.
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EFIS and Immunology Letters (IL) award short-term fellowships for up to 3 months of support for purposes of transnational scientific collaboration or advanced training in techniques or methodologies.
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Travelling Fellowships of up to £2,500 to graduate students and post-doctoral researchers wishing to make collaborative visits to other laboratories.
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DMM Conference Travel Grants are aimed at early-career researchers wanting to attend scientific meetings, conferences, workshops and courses relating to the areas of research covered by the journal.
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ASCI - American Society for Clinical Investigation
The Harrington Prize, presented by the American Society for Clinical Investigation and the Harrington Discovery Institute at University Hospitals Case Medical Center, honors a physician-scientist who has moved science forward with achievements notable for innovation, creativity and potential for clinical application.
Recursos Humans
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Fundación CRIS de investigación para vencer el cáncer
L'objectiu del programa de beques CRIS Outback és proporcionar condicions econòmiques competitives i incentius perquè els metges desenvolupin la seva formació a l'estranger i estableixin la seva carrera a Espanya.
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The EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded for a period of up to two years and support excellent postdoctoral researchers in laboratories throughout Europe and the world. International exchange is a key requirement.
Grau S, Hernández S*, Limón E, Calbo E, Horcajada JP, Catalan Infection Control and Antimicrobial Stewardship National Program (VINCat-PROA). Impact of changes in the WHO's 2019 update of DDDs on the measurement of adult hospital antibacterial consumption in Catalonia (Spain), 2008-18. 2020; 2(4): dlaa079 (Acceptat).
Pereira JA*, Bravo A, Montcusi B, Hernández P, Rodrigues V, López-Cano M, EVEREG Registry Members. Early outcomes of component separation techniques: an analysis of the Spanish registry of incisional Hernia (EVEREG). 2021: (en Premsa).
Torrente-Rodríguez RM, Martín-San Martin C, Gamella M, Pedrero M*, Martínez-Bosch N, Navarro P, García de Frutos P, Pingarrón JM, Campuzano S*. Electrochemical Immunosensing of ST2: A Checkpoint Target in Cancer Diseases. Biosensors 2021; 11(6): 202.
Albert-Marí A*, Gil-Lemus MA, Conde D, San José-Ruiz B, Jiménez-Pulido I, Esteban-Mensua MJ, Cercós-Lletí AC, Díaz-Carrasco MS. Classification of antineoplastic drug-induced tissue damage: a Consensus of the Spanish Oncology Pharmacy Group. Farm Hosp 2021; 45(4): 198-203.
Bosevski M, Krstevski G, Di Micco P, Fidalgo A, Loring M, Porras JA, Mellado M, Sánchez Muñoz-Torrero JF, Vela JR, Tzoran I, Monreal M, RIETE Investigators. Risk for post-thrombotic syndrome after lower-limb deep vein thrombosis: location of the thrombus or residual thrombi?. Angiol Sosud Khir . 2021; 27(2): 62-72.
Muñoz-de Nova JL*, Franch G, Mejía-Abril GP, Flores-Ruiz ME, Muñoz-Pérez N, Pintos-Sánchez E, Guadarrama-González FJ, Valdés A, Mercader-Cidoncha E, de la Quintana A, Osorio-Silla I, Ros-López S, Gallego-Otaegui L, Santos-Molina E, Martínez-Nieto C, Gamborino-Caramés E, Artés-Caselles M, Lorente L, García-Carrillo M, Moreno-Llorente P, Marín-Velarde C, Ortega-Serrano J, Martos-Martínez JM, Vidal O, Luengo-Pierrard P, Villar del Moral JM. Efficacy and safety of preoperative preparation with Lugol's iodine solution in euthyroid patients with Graves' disease (LIGRADIS Trial): Study protocol for a multicenter randomized trial. Contemp Clin Trials Commun . 2021; 22: 100806 (Acceptat).
Fernández-Prieto B, Martin-Fumadó C*, Pujol-Robinat A, Alonso J, Gómez-Durán EL, Duran X, Palao D. Direct access to forensic sources and comprehensiveness of official suicide mortality records. Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment 2023; 16(4): 268-269.
Marruecos L, Bertran J, Alvarez D, Mulero MC, Guillén Y, Palma LG, Floor M, Vert A, Arce S, Pecharroman I, Batlle L, Villà-Freixa J, Ghosh G, Bigas A*, Espinosa L*. Dynamic chromatin association of IκBα is regulated by acetylation and cleavage of histone H4. Embo Rep 2021; 22(8): e52649.
Vallecillo G*, Martí J, Robles MJ, Fortuny J, Lana F, Pérez V. Transient drop in the neutrophil count during COVID-19 regardless of clozapine treatment in patients with mental illness. Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment 2021: (en Premsa).
Sebastiani G, Almeida-Toledano L, Serra-Delgado M, Navarro E, Sailer S, Valverde O, García-Algar O, Andreu V*. Therapeutic Effects of Catechins in Less Common Neurological and Neurodegenerative Disorders. Nutrients 2021; 13(7): 2232.
Kiesewetter B*, Copie-Bergman C, Levy M, Wu F, Dupuis J, Barau C, Arcaini L, Paulli M, Lucioni M, Bonometti A, Salar A, Fernández-Rodríguez MC, Piris MA, Cucco F, Dobson R, Li Y, Chen Z, Robe C, Simonitsch-Klupp I, Wotherspoon A, Raderer M, Du MQ*. Genetic Characterization and Clinical Features of Helicobacter pylori Negative Gastric Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue Lymphoma. Cancers 2021; 13(12): 2993.
Katsila T*, Chasapi SA, Gomez-Tamayo JC, Chalikiopoulou C, Siapi E, Moros G, Zoumpoulakis P, Spyroulias GA, Kardamakis D. Three-Dimensional Cell Metabolomics Deciphers the Anti-Angiogenic Properties of the Radioprotectant Amifostine. Cancers 2021; 13(12): 2877.
Sanz-Alvarez M, Martin-Aparicio E, Luque M, Zazo S, Martínez-Useros J, Eroles P, Rovira A, Albanell J, Madoz-Gúrpide J*, Rojo F*. The Novel Oral mTORC1/2 Inhibitor TAK-228 Reverses Trastuzumab Resistance in HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Models. Cancers 2021; 13(11): 2778.
Tang J, Curull V, Ramis-Cabrer D, Duran X, Rodríguez-Fuster A, Aguiló R, Barreiro E*. Preoperative Body Weight and Albumin Predict Survival in Patients With Resectable Lung Neoplasms: Role of COPD. Arch Bronconeumol 2021; 57(1): 51-60.
Janciauskiene S, DeLuca DS, Barrecheguren M, Welte T, Miravitlles M*, Participating sites and coordinators (...Duran,E...). Serum Levels of Alpha1-antitrypsin and Their Relationship With COPD in the General Spanish Population. Arch Bronconeumol 2021; 56(2): 76-83.
Hernáez A*, Lassale C, Castro Barquero S, Babio N, Ros E, Castañer O, Tresserra Rimbau A, Pintó Sala X, Martínez González M.A, Corella D, Salas Salvadó J, Alonso Gómez A.M, Lapetra J, Fiol M, Gómez Gracia E, Serra Majem L, Sacanella E, García-Arellano A, Sorlí JV, Díaz-López A, Cofán M, Estruch Riba R. Mediterranean Diet and White Blood Cell Count-A Randomized Controlled Trial. Foods . 2021; 10(6): 1268.
Salvado A, Miralpeix E, Solé-Sedeño JM, Kanjou N, Lloveras B, Duran X, Mancebo G*. Predictor factors for conservative management of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2: Cytology and HPV genotyping. Gynecol Oncol 2021; 162(3): 569-574.
Luque S*, Benítez-Cano A*, Larrañaga L, Sorli ML, Navarrete ME, Campillo N, Carazo J, Ramos-Delgado I, Adalia R, Grau S. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Meropenem by Extended or Continuous Infusion in Low Body Weight Critically Ill Patients. Antibiotics (Basel) . 2021; 10(6): 666.
Echeverría-Esnal D, Sorli ML, Prim N, Martín-Ontiyuelo C, Horcajada JP, Grau S*. Daptomycin versus Glycopeptides for the Treatment of Enterococcus faecium Bacteraemia: A Cohort Study. Antibiotics (Basel) . 2021; 10(6): 716.
Kolkhir P, Altrichter S, Asero R, Daschner A, Ferrer M, Giménez-Arnau AM, Hawro T, Jakob T, Kinaciyan T, Kromminga A, Konstantinou GN, Makris M, Metz M, Skov PS, Staubach P, Sussman G, Zhang K, Maurer M*. Autoimmune Diseases Are Linked to Type IIb Autoimmune Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria. Allergy Asthma Immunol Res . 2021; 13(4): 545-559.
Sánchez-Soler JF*, Coelho A, Torres-Claramunt R, Gasol B, FONTANELLAS A, Perelli S, Hinarejos P, Monllau JC. Proximal Tibiofibular Dislocation in Closing-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy Increases the Risk of Medium and Long-Term Total Knee Replacement. J Clin Med 2021; 10(13): 2743.
Puricelli DM*, Elfström KM, Bulliard JL, Burón A, Campbell C, Flugelman AA, Giordano L, Kamineni A, Ponti A, Rabeneck L, Saraiya M, Smith RA, Broeders MJM, International Cancer Screening Network. Early assessment of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer screening services: The International Cancer Screening Network COVID-19 survey. Prev Med 2021; 151: 106642.
Garcia-Estela A, Angarita N, Alonso S, Polo M, Roldan M, Messaggi-Sartor M, Mur-Milà E, Vargas-Puertolas L, Pérez V, Duarte E, Colom F*. Improving Depressive Symptoms through Personalised Exercise and Activation (IDEA): Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021; 18(12): 6306.
Montero-Moraga JM, Posso Rivera M*, Román M, Burón A, Sala M, Castells X, Macià F. Effect of an information leaflet on breast cancer screening participation: A cluster randomized controlled trial. Bmc Public Health 2021; 21(1): 1301.
Arenas M, Algara M*, De Febrer G, Rubio C, Sanz X, de la Casa MA, Vasco C, Marín J, Fernández-Letón P, Villar-García J, Torres-Royo L, Villares P, Membrive I, Acosta J, López-Cano M, Araguas P, Quera J, Rodríguez-Tomás F, Montero A. Could pulmonary low-dose radiation therapy be an alternative treatment for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia? Preliminary results of a multicenter SEOR-GICOR nonrandomized prospective trial (IPACOVID trial). Strahlenther Onkol 2021; 197(11): 1010-1020.
Aftimos P, Oliveira M, Irrthum A, Fumagalli D, Sotiriou C, Nili Gal-Yam, Robson ME, Ndozeng J, Di Leo, Ciruelos EM, de Azambuja E, Viale G, Scheepers ED, Curigliano G, Bliss JM, Reis-Filho JS, Colleoni M, Balic M, Cardoso F, Albanell J, Duhem C, Marreaud S, Romagnoli D, Rojas B, Gombos A, Wildiers H, Guerrero-Zotano A, Hall P, Bonetti A, Larsson KF, Degiorgis M, Khodaverdi S, Greil R, Sverrisdottir A, Paoli M, Seyll E, Loibl S, Linderholm B, Zoppoli G, Davidson NE, Johannsson OT, Bedard PL, Loi S, Knox S, Cameron DA, Harbeck N, Lasa Montoya, Brandão M, Vingiani A, Caballero C, Hilbers FS, Yates LR, Benelli M, Venet D, Piccart MJ*. Genomic and transcriptomic analyses of breast cancer primaries and matched metastases in AURORA, the Breast International Group (BIG) molecular screening initiative. Cancer Discov 2021; 11(11): 2796-2811.
Martín-Pérez C, Contreras-Rodríguez O, Pastor A, Christensen E, Andrews ZB, de la Torre R, Verdejo-García A*. Endocannabinoid signaling of homeostatic status modulates functional connectivity in reward and salience networks. Psychopharmacology 2022; 239(5): 1311-1319.
Luo M, Meehan AJ, Walton E, Röder S, Herberth G, Zenclussen AC, Cosín-Tomás M, Sunyer J, Mulder RH, Cortes AP, Bakermans-Kranenburg MJ, Felix J.F, Relton C, Suderman M, Pappa I, Kok R, Tiemeier H, van IJzendoorn, Barker ED*, Cecil C.A.M. Neonatal DNA methylation and childhood low prosocial behavior: An epigenome-wide association meta-analysis. Am J Med Genet B 2021; 186(4): 228-241.
Giménez-Arnau AM*, Maibach H. Contact Urticaria. Immunol Allergy Clin 2021; 41(3): 467-480.
Huang Y, Sanz J, Rodriguez de Dios N, Foro P, Reig A, Membrive I, Zhao M, Li X, Martínez A, Algara M*. Effects of radiation on toxicity, complications, revision surgery and aesthetic outcomes in breast reconstruction: An argument about timing and techniques. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg . 2021; 74(12): 3316-3323.
Bejanin A*, Iulita MF, Vilaplana E, Carmona-Iragui M, Benejam B, Videla L, Barroeta I, Fernandez S, Altuna M, Pegueroles J, Montal V, Valldeneu S, Giménez S, González-Ortiz S, Muñoz L, Padilla C, Rozalem-Aranha M, Estellés T, Illán Gala I, Belbin O, Camacho V, Wilson LR, Annus T, Osorio RS, Videla S, Lehmann S, Holland AJ, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Alcolea D, Clarimon J, Zaman SH, Blesa González R, Lleó A, Fortea J*. Association of Apolipoprotein E ɛ4 Allele With Clinical and Multimodal Biomarker Changes of Alzheimer Disease in Adults With Down Syndrome. JAMA Neurol 2021; 78(8): 937-947.
Mokkink LB*, Terwee CB, Bouter LM, Alonso J, Patrick D, de Vet HCW. Reply to the concerns raised by McKenna and Heaney about COSMIN. J Med Econ 2021; 24(1): 857-859.
Miquel J*, Martínez R, Santana F, Marimon P, Torrens C. Surgical treatment of proximal humeral fractures with the transosseous suture fixation. J Orthop Surg 2021; 16(1): 405.
Aguilar-Shea AL*, Vera-García M, Güerri-Fernández R. Rapid antigen tests for the detection of SARS-CoV-2: A narrative review. Aten Primaria 2021; 53(9): 102127.
Páez-Vega A, Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez B, Agüera ML, Facundo C, Redondo D, Suñer M, López-Oliva MO, Yuste JR, Montejo M, Galeano-Álvarez C, Ruiz-San Millan JC, Los-Arcos I, Hernández D, Fernández-Ruiz M, Muñoz P, Valle-Arroyo J, Cano A, Rodríguez-Benot A, Crespo M, Rodelo-Haad C, Lobo-Acosta MA, Garrido-Gracia JC, Vidal E, Guirado L, Cantisán S*, Torre Cisneros J*. Immunoguided Discontinuation of Prophylaxis for Cytomegalovirus Disease in Kidney Transplant Recipients Treated with Antithymocyte Globulin: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Clin Infect Dis 2022; 74(5): 757-765.
Lleuger-Pujol R, Ortega-Castelló E, Fernandez-Franco L, Espinel-Vallejo ME, Muñoz-Cabello P, Santos-Simarro F, McAllister M, García-Miñaur S*. Further validation and psychometric properties of the Spanish adaptation of the Genetic Counseling Outcome Scale. J Genet Couns 2022; 31(1): 71-81.
Domenech B*, Mestre-Fusco A, Suarez-Piñera M, Puertas E, Perich X, Montes G, Plaza P. Preliminary evaluation of cerebral 18 F-DOPA PET/CT in the differential diagnosis of brain lesions in inconclusive MR. Rev Esp Med Nucl Imagen Mol 2021; 40(4): 214-221.
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