INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 679
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Té com a fi promoure i ajudar al desenvolupament de la investigació biomèdica.
Temàtica: Recerca innovadora traslacional i multidisciplinar a l'àmbit de la cronicitat i l'envelliment, incloent aspectes clínics, bases moleculars, cel·lulars i metabòliques, així com les relacionades amb les malalties degeneratives.
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Funding for charitable activities including – but not limited to - meetings, workshops and conferences in the fields covered by The Company of Biologists' journals.
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The award supports mid-career female physician-scientists and researchers to conduct immuno-oncology research and to foster their career advancement toward becoming a senior investigator. Research projects may be translational and/or clinical in nature with a focus on immuno-oncology.
Recursos Humans
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PhD fellowships to outstanding junior scientists worldwide who wish to pursue an ambitious PhD project in basic biomedical research in an internationally leading laboratory.
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Aquestes bases tenen per objecte regular els ajuts a les universitats, els centres de recerca i les fundacions hospitalàries per a la contractació de personal investigador novell i promoure la qualitat en la recerca tot incorporant-lo com a personal investigador predoctoral en formació en grups de recerca i en projectes de recerca, innovació i desenvolupament. Aquest objectiu afavorirà la professionalització del personal investigador i incidirà en la capacitat investigadora d’aquestes entitats, impulsant activitats de recerca d’impacte internacional i enfortint la generació de coneixement fronterer en la recerca i la seva transferència.
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Juan Rodés PhD fellowships offer funding to conduct a PhD thesis at a European center in the field of basic, translational or clinical Hepatology.
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The program is open to Europeans and non-Europeans who wish to conduct post-graduate research at a European center. Applicants must hold a PhD and /or a MD degree and have no more than two years of postgraduate research experience.
Informació últil
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BrightFocus Foundation
BrightFocus Foundation is a nonprofit organization supporting research and providing public education to help eradicate brain and eye diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, macular degeneration, and glaucoma.
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Aquestes ajudes estan destinades a finançar projectes d'investigació inèdits, presentats per investigadors que puguin portar a terme l'estudi proposat a Espanya.
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Té com a fi promoure i ajudar al desenvolupament de la investigació biomèdica.
Temàtica: Recerca innovadora traslacional i multidisciplinar a l'àmbit de la cronicitat i l'envelliment, incloent aspectes clínics, bases moleculars, cel·lulars i metabòliques, així com les relacionades amb les malalties degeneratives.
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The Technology Impact Award provides seed funding to address the gap between technology development and clinical application of cancer immunotherapies. These grants aim to encourage collaboration between technology developers and clinical cancer immunologists.
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Society for Endocrinology
Early Career Grants provide support to Early Career Members of the Society.
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Funding for pre-clinical, translational, and early clinical research with the potential to produce unusually high impact, near-term advancements in melanoma prevention, detection, diagnosis, staging, and treatment.
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BrightFocus Foundation
The program provides significant funding for researchers who have already generated some amount of preliminary data, but are often required to demonstrate additional, significant progress before they can apply to governmental or industrial funding agencies.
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Funding for qualified scientists who are working to explore clinically relevant questions aimed at improving the effectiveness of cancer immunotherapies.
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Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S
Ferring is interested in funding exploratory, basic, and clinical research grants to collect data and expand knowledge about the effects of SARS-CoV-2 on reproduction, pregnancy, and foetal/neonatal health.
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COST actions are a Pan-European networking instrument that allows researchers to develop jointly their ideas and new initiatives in a field or topic of common interest. It supports Meetings, Conferences, Workshops, Short-term scientific exchanges, Training schools and Dissemination Activities.
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EFIS and the European Journal of Immunology (EJI) are proud to offer financial support for immunology-themed meetings, workshops and schools that are organized in Europe and are international in nature.

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Funding for the establishment of EFIS-IL Study Groups on specific areas of immunology-related research.
Borses de viatge
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EFIS and Immunology Letters (IL) award short-term fellowships for up to 3 months of support for purposes of transnational scientific collaboration or advanced training in techniques or methodologies.
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DMM Conference Travel Grants are aimed at early-career researchers wanting to attend scientific meetings, conferences, workshops and courses relating to the areas of research covered by the journal.
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Té el propòsit d'ajudar a finançar estades curtes dels seus membres en altres centres, dins del país o a l'estranger, en l'àmbit de la Microbiologia Clínica i de les Malalties Infeccioses.
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Finançar estades curtes dels seus membres per a intercanvi de coneixements i experiències entre grups de treball dins del país o a l'estranger en l'àmbit de la Microbiologia Clínica i de les Malalties Infeccioses.
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Convocatòria competitiva de beques per a rotació de Metges Interns Residents (M.I.R.) de Nefrologia en centres estrangers amb l'objectiu d'augmentar l'intercanvi de coneixements i habilitats que repercuteixin de manera directa en la qualitat de la Pràctica Clínica i / o de la generació de nous coneixements a l'àrea de Nefrologia.
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Promoure una recerca científica amb múscul a la ciutat i fomentar un entorn favorable perquè centres de recerca i tecnologia, universitats i teixit emprenedor i productiu de la ciutat despleguin solucions innovadores.
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En el marc dels Centres de Recerca de Catalunya (CERCA), la Institució CERCA promou els Premis PIONER, amb l’objectiu de distingir aquells investigadors i investigadores que acaben d’elaborar una tesi doctoral i n’han obtingut uns resultats clarament orientats a ser aprofitats comercialment.
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Premiar la trajectòria investigadora i la investigació actual en l'àmbit de la Nanotecnologia: Avanços en biomedicina personalitzada i regenerativa.
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Reconeixement de treballs inèdits realitzats per llicenciats i doctors en diversos àmbits de la medicina.
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Els premis es concediran a estudis monogràfics o treballs d'investigació d'infermeria, inèdits i que, amb anterioritat, no s'haguessin presentat a cap altre Premi o Certamen d'aquesta mateixa naturalesa, que es presentin a aquest Certamen d'acord a les bases del mateix.
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Aquests guardons reconeixen i reflecteixen les diverses facetes tant de l’activitat investigadora com de les iniciatives de comunicació i divulgació científica, de mecenatge científic i de cooperació pública i privada en projectes d’R+I a Catalunya.
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The Warren Alpert Foundation
The Warren Alpert Foundation Prize, in association with Harvard Medical School, recognizes and honors one or more scientists, physicians and researchers whose scientific achievements have led to the prevention, cure or treatment of human diseases or disorders, and/or whose research constitutes a seminal scientific finding that holds great promise of ultimately changing our understanding of or ability to treat disease.
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La Reial Acadèmia Nacional de Farmàcia convoca anualment un concurs científic internacional, amb la finalitat de promocionar les activitats d'investigadors, dins del camp de les ciències farmacèutiques.
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Quatre categories premien les trajectòries de joves que han desenvolupat projectes o negocis i que, d’aquesta manera, han estat capaços d’induir, de manera creativa, canvis positius en la societat
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The Franklin Institute is a science museum and center of science education and research in Philadelphia. Founded in 1824, the Franklin Institute is one of the oldest centers of science education and development in the United States.
Recursos Humans
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Premiar el millor article sobre trasplantament d’òrgans sòlids, segons criteri del Jurat, publicat en qualsevol revista científica espanyola o estrangera, en el període comprès entre l'1 d’octubre de 2019 i el 30 setembre del 2020.
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Es convoques dues beques per fomentar la recerca científica en el trasplantament d’òrgan sòlid, a investigadors que formin part de les àrees de recerca que estan en funcionament en els serveis amb Unitat de Trasplantament de Catalunya.
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Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Foundation
Postdoc fellowships for scientists in Denmark who wish to conduct research at a research institution outside Denmark and who plan to return to Denmark to continue their research, and for scientists from abroad who wish to conduct research in an established Danish research environment.
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Fundació MAPFRE convoca l'any 2020 ajudes a la Investigació a fi de facilitar suport econòmic per a la realització de projectes d'investigació en Promoció de la Salut.
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El Centre d'Informació Cervesa i Salut convoca la XXI edició de les beques Manuel de Oya per a fomentar la recerca entorn del consum moderat de cervesa i la seva relació amb els diferents aspectes de la salut humana que no hagin estat realitzats ni difosos amb anterioritat a Espanya.
Es valoraran positivament els projectes centrats en salut cardiovascular, benestar subjectiu, nutrició i dieta mediterrània.
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The CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program supports qualified young scientists at leading universities and research centers around the world who wish to receive training in fundamental immunology or cancer immunology.
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The EHA-JSH Collaborative Exchange Program is intended to provide European and Japanese research institutes the opportunity to exchange scientists and clinical researchers reciprocally for a short period.
Rufus-Membere P*, Holloway-Kew KL, Kotowicz MA, Díez-Pérez A, Pasco JA. Normative Data for Impact Microindentation for Australian Men: Cross-Sectional Data From the Geelong Osteoporosis Study. JBMR Plus . 2020; 4(9): e10384 (Acceptat).
Garcia A*, Bisbe E, Colomina MJ, Arbona C, Varela J. [Health policy strategies for Patient Blood Management implementation throughout the Spanish health systems]. J Healthc Qual Res 2020; 35(5): 319-327.
Kirchhof P, Camm, A J, Goette A, Brandes A, Eckardt L, Elvan A, Fetsch T, van Gelder, Haase D, Haegeli LM, Hamann F, Heidbüchel H, Hindricks G, Kautzner J, Kuck KH, Mont L, Ng GA, Rekosz J, Schoen N, Schotten U, Suling A, Taggeselle J, Themistoclakis S, Vettorazzi E, Vardas P, Wegscheider K, Willems S, Crijns HJGM, Breithardt G, EAST-AFNET 4 Trial Investigators (Marti-Almor J.). Early Rhythm-Control Therapy in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation. New Engl J Med 2020; 383(14): 1305-1316.
Rodríguez-Morató J, Galluccio J, Dolnikowski GG, Lichtenstein AH, Matthan NR*. Comparison of the Postprandial Metabolic Fate of U-13 C Stearic Acid and U-13 C Oleic Acid in Postmenopausal Women. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2020; 40(12): 2953-2964.
Weitzer J, Castaño Vinyals G, Aragonés Sanz N, Gómez Acebo I, Guevara M, Amiano P, Martín V, Molina-Barceló A, Alguacil J, Moreno V, Suarez-Calleja C, Jiménez-Moleón JJ, Marcos-Gragera R, Papantoniou K, Pérez Gómez B, Llorca J, Ascunce N, Gil L, Gracia E, Casabonne D, Lope V, Pollán M, Kogevinas M*. Effect of time of day of recreational and household physical activity on prostate and breast cancer risk (MCC-Spain Study). Int J Cancer 2021; 148(6): 1360-1371.
Abell JG*, Lassale C, Batty GD, Zaninotto P. Risk factors for hospital admission after a fall: a prospective cohort study of community-dwelling older people. J Gerontol A-Biol Sci Med Sci 2021; 76(4): 666-674.
Picón-Pagès P, Gutiérrez DA, Barranco-Almohalla A, Crepin G, Tajes M, Ill-Raga G, Guix FX, Menéndez S, Arumí M, Vicente R, Álvarez AR, Muñoz FJ*. Amyloid Beta-Peptide Increases BACE1 Translation through the Phosphorylation of the Eukaryotic Initiation Factor-2 α. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2020; 2020: 2739459 (Acceptat).
Tarazona N, Gimeno-Valiente F, Gambardella V, Huerta M, Rosello S, Zuniga S, Calon A, Carbonell-Asins JA, Fontana E, Martínez-Ciarpaglini C, Eason K, Rentero-Garrido P, Fleitas T, Papaccio F, Moro-Valdezate D, Nyamundanda G, Castillo J, Espí A, Sadanandam A, Roda D, Cervantes A*. Detection of postoperative plasma circulating tumour DNA and lack of CDX2 expression as markers of recurrence in patients with localised colon cancer. ESMO Open 2020; 5(5): e000847.
Pattanayak B, Garrido-Cano I, Adam-Artigues A, Tormo E, Pineda B, Cabello P, Alonso E, Bermejo B, Hernando C, Martínez-Larrad MT, Rovira A, Albanell J, Rojo F, Burgués O, Cejalvo JM, Lluch A, Eroles P*. MicroRNA-33b Suppresses Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Repressing the MYC-EZH2 Pathway in HER2+ Breast Carcinoma. Front Oncol 2020; 10: 1661 (Acceptat).
Mirela-Bota P, Aguirre J, Meseguer A, Galletti C, Segura J, Planas-Iglesias J, García-García J, Guney E, Oliva B*, Fernandez-Fuentes N*. Galaxy InteractoMIX: An Integrated Computational Platform for the Study of Protein-Protein Interaction Data. J Mol Biol 2021; 433(11): 166656.
Cotrina EY, Oliveira Â, Leite JP, Llop J, Gales L, Quintana J, Cardoso I*, Arsequell G*. Repurposing Benzbromarone for Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy: A New Transthyretin Tetramer Stabilizer. Int J Mol Sci 2020; 21(19): E7166.
Bouzas C, Bibiloni MDM, García S, Mateos D, Martínez-González MÁ, Salas-Salvadó J, Corella D, Schröder H, Martínez JA, Alonso-Gómez A, Wärnberg J, Vioque J, Romaguera D, López-Miranda J, Estruch R, Tinahones FJ, Lapetra J, Serra-Majem L, Bueno-Cavanillas A, Micó-Pérez RM, Pintó X, Delgado-Rodríguez M, Ortíz-Ramos M, Altés-Boronat A, Luca BL, Daimiel L, Ros E, Sayón-Orea C, Becerra-Tomás N, Gimenez-Alba IM, Castañer O, Abete I, Tojal-Sierra L, Pérez-López J, Bernabé-Casanova A, Martin-Padillo M, García-Ríos A, Castro-Barquero S, Fernández JC, Santos-Lozano JM, Fernandez-Lázaro CI, Hernández-Alonso P, Saiz C, Zomeño MD, Zulet MA, Belló-Mora MC, Basterra-Gortari FJ, Canudas S, Goday A, Tur JA*. Dietary Quality Changes According to the Preceding Maximum Weight: A Longitudinal Analysis in the PREDIMED-Plus Randomized Trial. Nutrients 2020; 12(10): E3023.
Costa D, Bonet N, Solé A, González de Aledo JM, Sabidó E, Casals F, Rovira C, Nadal A, Marin JL, Cobo T*, Castelo R*. Genome-wide postnatal changes in immunity following fetal inflammatory response. FEBS J 2021; 288(7): 2311-2331.
López de las Hazas MC, Gil-Zamorano J, Cofán M, Mantilla-Escalante DC, Garcia-Ruiz A, Del Pozo-Acebo L, Pastor O, Yañez-Mo M, Mazzeo C, Serra-Mir M, Doménech M, Valls-Pedret C, Rajaram S, Sabaté J, Ros E, Sala-Vila A*, Davalos A*. One-year dietary supplementation with walnuts modifies exosomal miRNA in elderly subjects. Eur J Nutr 2020; 60(4): 1999-2011.
Gomis-González M, Galera L, Ten-Blanco M, Busquets A, Cox T, Maldonado R*, Ozaita A*. Protein Kinase C-Gamma Knockout Mice Show Impaired Hippocampal Short-Term Memory While Preserved Long-Term Memory. Mol Neurobiol 2020: (en Premsa).
Gaye, B*, Tajeu GS, Vasan RS, Lassale C, Allen NB, Singh-Manoux A, Jouven, X. Association of Changes in Cardiovascular Health Metrics and Risk of Subsequent Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality. J Am Heart Assoc 2020; 9(19): e017458.
Fuentes B*, Amaro S, Alonso de Leciñana M, Arenillas JF, Ayo-Martín O, Castellanos M, Freijo M, Garcia-Pastor A, Gomis M, Gómez-Choco M, López-Cancio E, Martínez-Sánchez P, Morales A, Palacio-Portilla EJ, Rodríguez-Yañez M, Roquer-González J, Segura T, Serena J, Vivancos-Mora J, Comité ad hoc del Grupo de Estudio de Enfermedades Cerebrovasculares de la Sociedad Española de Neurología. Stroke prevention in patients with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes. Recommendations from the Cerebrovascular Diseases Study Group, Spanish Society of Neurology. Neurología (Barc) 2021; 36(4): 305-323.
Martí-Juan G, Sanroma-Guell G, Cacciaglia R, Falcon C, Operto G, Molinuevo JL, González Ballester M.A, Gispert JD*, Piella G*, ALFA Study. Nonlinear interaction between APOE ?4 allele load and age in the hippocampal surface of cognitively intact individuals. Hum Brain Mapp 2021; 42(1): 47-64.
Ballestin R, Alegre L, Ferrer-Pérez C, Cantacorps L, Miñarro J, Valverde O, Rodríguez-Arias M*. Neuroinflammatory and behavioral susceptibility profile of mice exposed to social stress towards cocaine effects. Prog Neuro-Psychopharmacol Biol Psychiatr 2021; 105: 110123.
Powles T*, van der Heijden MS, Castellano D, Galsky MD, Loriot Y, Petrylak DP, Ogawa O, Park SH, Lee JL, De Giorgi U, Bögemann M, Bamias A, Eigl BJ, Gurney H, Mukherjee SD, Fradet Y, Skoneczna I, Tsiatas M, Novikov A, Suárez C, Fay AP, Duran I, Necchi A, Wildsmith S, He P, Angra N, Gupta AK, Levin W, Bellmunt J, DANUBE study investigators.. Durvalumab alone and durvalumab plus tremelimumab versus chemotherapy in previously untreated patients with unresectable, locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma (DANUBE): a randomised, open-label, multicentre, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol 2020; 21(12): 1574-1588.
Bullón-Vela V, Abete I*, Zulet MA, Xu Y, Martínez-González MA, Sayón-Orea C, Ruiz-Canela M, Toledo E, Martin-Sanchez V, Estruch R, Lamuela-Raventos RM, Almanza E, Fitó M, Salas-Salvadó J, Díaz-López A, Tinahones FJ, Tur JA, Romaguera D, Konieczna J, Pintó X, Daimiel L, Rodriguez-Mateos A, Martínez JA. Urinary Resveratrol Metabolites Output: Differential Associations with Cardiometabolic Markers and Liver Enzymes in House-Dwelling Subjects Featuring Metabolic Syndrome. Molecules 2020; 2525(18): E4340.
Louro J, Román M, Posso Rivera M, Comerma L, Vidal C, Saladié F, Alcantara R, Sánchez M, Quintana MJ, Del Riego J, Ferrer J, Peñalva L, Bargalló X, Prieto M, Sala M, Castells X*. Differences in breast cancer risk after benign breast disease by type of screening diagnosis. Breast 2020; 54: 343-348.
Brena D, Bertran J, Porta-de-la-Riva M, Guillén Y, Cornes E, Kukhtar D, Campos-Vicens L, Fernández-Ibarrondo L, Pecharroman I, García-López A, Islam ABMMK, Marruecos L, Bigas A, Cerón JJ*, Espinosa L*. Ancestral function of Inhibitors-of-kappaB regulates Caenorhabditis elegans development. Sci Rep 2020; 10(1): 16153.
Benaiges D*, Bisbe M, Pedro-Botet J, de Vargas A, Ramon JM, Pera MR, Villatoro M, Fontané L, Julià H, Climent E, Castañer O, Flores JA, Goday A. Additional Metabolic Effects of Bariatric Surgery in Patients with a Poor Mid-Term Weight Loss Response: A 5-Year Follow-Up Study. J Clin Med 2020; 9(10): E3193.
Maurer M, Giménez-Arnau AM, Ensina LF, Chu CY, Jaumont X, Tassinari P. Chronic urticaria treatment patterns and changes in quality of life: AWARE study 2-year results. World Allergy Organ J 2020; 13(9): 100460 (Acceptat).
Nicoara-Farcau O, Han G, Rudler M, Angrisani D, Monescillo A, Torres F, Casanovas G, Bosch J, Lv Y, Thabut D, Fan D, Hernández-Gea V, García-Pagán JC*, Bureau C, Gonzalez-Abraldes J, Nevens F, Caca K, Laleman W, Appenrodt B, Luca A, Vinel JP, Mössner J, Di Pascoli, Zipprich A, Sauerbruch T, Martinez-Lagares F, Ruiz-Del-Arbol L, Sierra A, Guevara C, Jimenez E, Marrero JM, Buceta E, Sanchez J, Castellot A, Penate M, Cruz A, Pena E, Procopet B, Giráldez Á, Amitrano L, Villanueva C, Ibáñez-Samaniego L, Silva-Junior G, Martinez J, Genescà J, Trebicka J, Llop E, Palazon JM, Castellote J, Rodrigues S, Gluud LL, Ferreira CN, Barcelo R, Cañete N, Rodriguez M, Ferlitsch A, Mundi JL, Gronbaek H, Hernández-Guerra M, Sassatelli R, Dell'Era A, Senzolo M, Romero-Gómez M, Casas M, Masnou H, Primignani M, Krag A, Calleja JL, Jansen C, Robic MA, Conejo I, Catalina MV, Albillos A, Alvarado E, Guardascione MA, Tan??u M, Zuo L, Zhu X, Zhao J, Xue H, Jiang Z, Zhuge Y, Zhang C, Sun J, Ding P, Ren W, Li Y, Zhang K, Zhang W, He C, Zhong J, Peng Q, Ma F, Luo J, Zhang M, Wang G, Sun M, Dong J, Bai W, Guo W, Wang Q, Yuan X, Wang Z, Yu T, Luo B, Li X, Yuan J, Han N, Zhu Y, Niu J, Li K, Yin Z, Nie Y, Fischer P, ?tef?nescu H, Pop A, Laursen SB, Turon F, Baiges A, Ferrusquía-Acosta J, Magaz M, Cerda E, Tellez L, Allegretti G, Macedo G, Haldrup D, Santos P, Moura M, Reis D, Meireles L, Sousa P, Alexandrino P, Navascues C, Augustin S, La Mura, Bañares R, Diaz R, Gómez ML, Ripoll C, pre-emptive TIPS individual data metanalysis, International Variceal Bleeding Study and Baveno Cooperation Study groups.. Effects of Early Placement of Transjugular Portosystemic Shunts in Patients With High-Risk Acute Variceal Bleeding: a Meta-analysis of Individual Patient Data. Gastroenterology 2021; 160(1): 193-205.e10.
Miró Ò*, Llorens P, Aguirre A, Lozano L, Beaune S, Roussel M, Le Borgne P, Chouihed T, Freund Y, Spanish-French Emergency Department Investigative Team (SFEDIT). Association between Covid-19 and Pulmonary Embolism (AC-19-PE study). Thromb Res 2020; 196: 322-324.
Trujillo M, Prakash P, Faridi P, Radosevic A, Curto S, Burdío F, Berjano E*. How large is the periablational zone after radiofrequency and microwave ablation? Computer-based comparative study of two currently used clinical devices. Int J Hyperther 2020; 37(1): 1131-1138.
Blázquez Z, Farré N, Llagostera-Martin M, Caravaca P, Morán-Fernández L, Fort A, De-Juan J, Ruiz-Bustillo S, Delgado JF. The development of chronic diuretic resistance can be predicted during a heart-failure hospitalization. Results from the REDIHF registry. PLoS One . 2020; 15(10): e0240098 (Acceptat).
Avellaneda-Gómez C*, Roquer-González J, Vivanco R. Recognition of air pollution as a risk factor for stroke in clinical practice guidelines: a literature review. Neurología (Barc) 2020: (en Premsa).
Torrens M*, Soyemi T, Bowman D, Schatz E. Beyond clinical outcomes: the social and healthcare system implications of hepatitis C treatment. BMC Infect Dis 2020; 20(1): 702.
González-Parra E*, Bover J, Herrero J, Sanchez E, Molina P, Martín-Malo A, Bajo MA, Lloret S, Navarro J, Arenas MD. Control of phosphorus and prevention of fractures in the kidney patient. Nefrología 2021; 41(1): 7-14.
Tizon H*, Rodríguez-Costoya I, Tevar C, Vaquerizo B. Intracoronary lithotripsy for calcific neoatherosclerotic in-stent restenosis: a case report. Eur Heart J 2020; 4(4): 1-4 (Acceptat).
Arnoriaga-Rodríguez M, Mayneris-Perxachs J, Burokas A, Contreras-Rodríguez O, Blasco G, Coll C, Biarnés C, Miranda-Olivos R, Latorre J, Moreno-Navarrete JM, Castells-Nobau A, Sabater M, Palomo-Buitrago ME, Puig J, Pedraza S, Gich J, Pérez-Brocal V, Ricart W, Moya A, Fernández-Real X, Ramió-Torrentà Ll, Pamplona R, Sol J, Jové M, Portero-Otín M, Maldonado R*, Fernández JM*. Obesity Impairs Short-Term and Working Memory through Gut Microbial Metabolism of Aromatic Amino Acids. Cell Metab 2020; 32(4): 548-560.e7.
Jamthikar A, Gupta D, Cuadrado E, Puvvula A, Khanna NN, Saba L, Viskovic K, Mavrogeni S, Turk M, Laird JR, Pareek G, Miner M, Sfikakis PP, Protogerou A, Kitas GD, Shankar C, Nicolaides A, Viswanathan V, Sharma A, Suri JS*. Ultrasound-based stroke/cardiovascular risk stratification using Framingham Risk Score and ASCVD Risk Score based on "Integrated Vascular Age" instead of "Chronological Age": a multi-ethnic study of Asian Indian, Caucasian, and Japanese cohorts. Cardiovasc Diagn Ther 2020; 10(4): 939-954.
Gómez SF*, Homs C, Wärnberg J, Medrano M, González M, Gusi N, Aznar S, Cascales EM, González-Valeiro M, Serra-Majem L, Terrados N, Tur JA, Segú M, Lassale C, Benavente-Marín JC, Labayen I, Garcia-Zapico A, Sánchez-Gómez J, Jiménez-Zazo F, Alcaraz PE, Sevilla-Sanchez M, Herrera-Ramos E, Pulgar S, Bibiloni MDM, Sancho O, Schröder H. Study protocol of a population-based cohort investigating Physical Activity, Sedentarism, lifestyles and Obesity in Spanish youth: the PASOS study. BMJ Open 2020; 10(9): e036210.
Collado S, Arenas MD, Barbosa F, Cao H, Montero MM, Villar-García J, Barrios C, Rodríguez-García E, Sans-Atxer L, Sierra A, Pérez Sáez MJ, Redondo D, Coca A, Maiques J, Güerri-Fernández R, Horcajada JP, Crespo M, Pascual J*. COVID-19 in Grade 4-5 Chronic Kidney Disease Patients. Kidney Blood Press R 2020; 45(5): 768-774.
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