INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 726
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Funds to support efforts in the field of patient engagement, education and advocacy within hemophilia. It recognizes the essential role of nurses, allied healthcare professionals and caregivers in the care of patients with hemophilia.
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This award will provide funds to undertake a basic research project in the bleeding disorders field.
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This award will provide funds to undertake a clinical research project in the bleeding disorders field.
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Support for collaborative international projects that will advance the understanding of nervous system structure and function, mechanisms underlying nervous system disorders, and computational strategies used by the nervous system.
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GETTHI - Grupo Español de Oncología Transversal y Tumores Huérfanos e Infrecuentes (GETTHI)
L'objectiu es estimular l'elaboració de propostes originals de projectes d'investigació que reverteixin en l'avanç de la terapèutica clínica i en el millor coneixement d'aquests tumors.
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Té com a fi promoure i ajudar al desenvolupament de la investigació biomèdica.
Es pretén impulsar l'avenç del coneixement biomèdic mitjançant investigacions innovadores que puguin contribuir a la lluita contra problemes de salut de la màxima rellevància i que tinguin alt impacte social.
Borses de viatge
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To invite overseas researchers with excellent records of research achievements for short-term visits to Japan and provide them opportunities for discussions, opinion exchanges, lectures and other activities.
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Tenen com a objectiu reconèixer el treball doctoral excel·lent i rigorós. Amb aquest propòsit, es convoca, en la seva categoria de Ciències de la Salut.
Recursos Humans
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The award will support a mentored physician for one year, who will be expected to undertake both a research project as well as clinical training.
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ECTRIMS offers a postdoctoral research fellowship exchange programme for young neuroscientists to facilitate their conduct of and training in basic, clinical or applied research related to multiple sclerosis (MS).
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To provide opportunities for excellent postdoctoral researchers from other countries to conduct, under the guidance of their hosts, cooperative research with leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions.
Informació últil
 No hi ha novetats
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L’objecte d’aquesta convocatòria és l’atorgament d’ajuts per a fomentar i enfortir la cultura científica a Catalunya en català.
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Impulsar una línia d'investigació en càncer dirigida per un Investigador independent en vies de consolidació dins d'una Universitat, Institut Sanitari o Centre de Recerca.
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Té com a fi promoure i ajudar al desenvolupament de la investigació biomèdica.
Es pretén impulsar l'avenç del coneixement biomèdic mitjançant investigacions innovadores que puguin contribuir a la lluita contra problemes de salut de la màxima rellevància i que tinguin alt impacte social.
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Funding for highly innovative, high risk high reward research with significant potential to accelerate the mission of JDRF.
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Aquesta convocatòria esta orientada a fomentar i impulsar la recerca en l'àmbit de la prevenció de riscos laborals des del vessant científic i d'aplicació pràctica en la prevenció de riscos laborals.
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Fundació MAPFRE convoca l'any 2021 ajuts a la Investigació a fi de facilitar suport econòmic per a la realització de projectes d'investigació en Promoció de la Salut.
Borses de viatge
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Travelling Fellowships of up to £2,500 to graduate students and post-doctoral researchers wishing to make collaborative visits to other laboratories.
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Els Premis Solidaris amb l'EM van dirigits a les idees, persones o projectes que durant l'any 2021 han estat més valorats o reconeguts dins el món de l'EM en el territori espanyol.
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The Women in Science Award recognizes an individual woman working in the life sciences for her exceptional achievements.
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ESCMID has evolved to become Europe’s leading society in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases with members from all European countries and all continents. For more than 30 years, ESCMID has been an influential component in the professional lives of microbiologists and infectious disease specialists and now reaches more than 33’000 members and affiliated members around the world.
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ARC - Fondation ARC pour la Recherce sur le Cancer
Through two prestigious awards of €150,000 each, the Fondation ARC rewards researchers whose work has led to a major breakthrough in basic research and in translational or clinical research in oncology.
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El premi tindrà caràcter nacional i podran concórrer a ell tots els metges col·legiats a Espanya. S'admetran treballs multicèntrics nacionals o internacionals, sempre que un dels signants sigui metge col·legiat a Espanya i aquest es trobi entre els tres primers o l'últim signants.
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El Premi de Recerca d’Atenció Sociosanitària de la Fundació Mutuam Conviure està destinat a promoure projectes de recerca o de millora de la pràctica clínica en l’àmbit de la gerontologia clínica i l’atenció sociosanitària.
Recursos Humans
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Aquestes bases tenen per objecte regular els ajuts a les universitats, els centres de recerca i les fundacions hospitalàries per a la contractació de personal investigador novell i promoure la qualitat en la recerca tot incorporant-lo com a personal investigador predoctoral en formació en grups de recerca i en projectes de recerca, innovació i desenvolupament. Aquest objectiu afavorirà la professionalització del personal investigador i incidirà en la capacitat investigadora d’aquestes entitats, impulsant activitats de recerca d’impacte internacional i enfortint la generació de coneixement fronterer en la recerca i la seva transferència.
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25 beques de postdoctorat per a investigadors de totes les nacionalitats per dur a terme un projecte de recerca en els centres acreditats amb els distintius d’excel·lència Severo Ochoa o María de Maeztu, Instituts d'Investigació Sanitària Carles III o unitats qualificades com "excel·lents" per la Fundação per a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
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La Fundació Bancària "la Caixa" convoca 15 beques postdoctorals de tres anys de durada per a la contractació d'investigadors per dur a terme la seva activitat investigadora en qualsevol universitat o centre de recerca d'Espanya o Portugal. La investigació s'haurà de realitzar en les àrees de les ciències de la salut i la vida, la tecnologia, la física, l'enginyeria i les matemàtiques.
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2 year fellowships to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers wishing to diversify their individual competence in terms of skill acquisition at multi- or interdisciplinary level through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility.
Rios-Toro JJ, Pola-Gallego de Guzman MD, Guerrero-Marin M, Rodríguez-Rubio D, Ruiz-Garcia MI, Aguilar-Alonso E, Rivera-Fernández R. Prognostic Value of Variations in Serum Biomarkers and Prognostic Scores Values Between Admission and Second Day in Intensive Care Unit Septic Patients. Cureus . 2021; 13(7): e16472 (Acceptat).
Alari E*, Ataya M, Moraitis I, Campos-Ruiz M, Altadill M, Muntasell A, Moles A, López-Botet M*. NK cells eliminate Epstein-Barr virus bound to B cells through a specific antibody-mediated uptake. PLoS Pathog 2021; 17(8): e1009868 (Acceptat).
Cabañero D, Martín-García E, Maldonado R*. The CB2 cannabinoid receptor as a therapeutic target in the central nervous system. Expert Opin Ther Targets 2021; 25(8): 659-676.
Domínguez-López I, Parilli-Moser I, Arancibia-Riveros C, Tresserra Rimbau A, Martínez-González MA, Ortega-Azorín C, Salas Salvadó J, Castañer O, Lapetra J, Arós F, Fiol M, Serra Majem L, Pintó Sala X, Gómez Gracia E, Ros E, Lamuela-Raventos RM*, Estruch Riba R. Urinary Tartaric Acid, a Biomarker of Wine Intake, Correlates with Lower Total and LDL Cholesterol. Nutrients 2021; 13(8): 2883.
Lansdorp-Vogelaar I*, Meester R, de Jonge L, Burón A, Haug U, Senore C. Risk-stratified strategies in population screening for colorectal cancer. Int J Cancer 2022; 150(3): 397-405.
Ortiz-Romero P, González-Simón A, Egea G, Pérez-Jurado L, Campuzano V*. Co-Treatment With Verapamil and Curcumin Attenuates the Behavioral Alterations Observed in Williams-Beuren Syndrome Mice by Regulation of MAPK Pathway and Microglia Overexpression. Front Pharmacol 2021; 12: 670785 (Acceptat).
Fonseca AC, Merwick Á*, Dennis M, Ferrari J, Ferro JM, Kelly P, Lal A, Ois A, Olivot JM, Purroy F. European Stroke Organisation (ESO) guidelines on management of transient ischaemic attack. Eur Stroke J 2021; 6(2): CLXIII-CLXXXVI.
Fonseca AC, Merwick Á*, Dennis M, Ferrari J, Ferro JM, Kelly P, Lal A, Ois A, Olivot JM, Purroy F. European Stroke Organisation (ESO) guidelines on management of transient ischaemic attack. Eur Stroke J 2021; 6(2): V.
Cacciamani F*, Houot M, Gagliardi G, Dubois B, Sikkes S, Sánchez-Benavides G, Denicolò E, Molinuevo JL, Vannini P, Epelbaum S. Awareness of Cognitive Decline in Patients With Alzheimer's Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Aging Neurosci . 2021; 13: 697234 (Acceptat).
Ataya M*, Redondo D, Llinàs Mallol L, Yelamos J, Alari E, Pérez Sáez MJ, Altadill M, Raïch-Regué D, Vilches C, Pascual J, Crespo M, López-Botet M*. Long-Term Evolution of the Adaptive NKG2C+ NK Cell Response to Cytomegalovirus Infection in Kidney Transplantation: An Insight on the Diversity of Host-Pathogen Interaction. J Immunol 2021; 207(7): 1882-1890.
Ble M*, Benito B, Cuadrado E, Pérez-Fernández S, Gómez-Pérez MA, Mas-Stachurska A, Tizon H, Molina L, Martí Almor J, Cladellas M. Left Atrium Assessment by Speckle Tracking Echocardiography in Cryptogenic Stroke: Seeking Silent Atrial Fibrillation. J Clin Med 2021; 10(16): 3501.
Fontan M, Rivera-Navarro J, Gullón P*, Diez J, Anguelovski I, Franco M. Active use and perceptions of parks as urban assets for physical activity: A mixed-methods study. Health Place 2021; 71: 102660.
Xuejie W, Villa C, Dobarganes Y, Olveira C, Girón R, García-Clemente MM, Maíz L, Sibila O, Golpe R, Menéndez R, Rodríguez-López J, Prados C, Martínez-García MA, Rodriguez J.L, de la Rosa D, Duran X, Barreiro E*. Differences in Nutritional Status and Inflammatory Biomarkers between Female and Male Patients with Bronchiectasis: A Large-Cohort Study. Biomedicines 2021; 9(8): 905.
Xuejie W, Villa C, Dobarganes Y, Olveira C, Girón R, García-Clemente MM, Máiz L, Sibila O, Golpe R, Menéndez R, Rodríguez-López J, Prados C, Martínez-García MA, Rodriguez J.L, de la Rosa D, Duran X, García J, Barreiro E*. Phenotypic Clustering in Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis Patients: The Role of Eosinophils in Disease Severity. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021; 18(16): 8431.
Mortier P*, Alonso J, Auerbach RP, Bantjes J, Benjet C, Bruffaerts R, Cuijpers P, Ebert DD, Green JG, Hasking P, Karyotaki E, Kiekens G, Mak A, Nock MK, O'Neill S, Pinder-Amaker S, Sampson NA, Stein DJ, Vilagut G, Wilks C, Zaslavsky AM, Mair P, Kessler RC, WHO WMH-ICS Collaborators. Childhood adversities and suicidal thoughts and behaviors among first-year college students: results from the WMH-ICS initiative. Soc Psych Psych Epid 2022; 57(8): 1591-1601.
Pera O, Membrive I, Lambisto D, Quera J, Fernández-Velilla E, Foro P, Reig A, Rodriguez de Dios N, Sanz J, Algara V, Algara M. Validation of 3D printing materials for high dose-rate brachytherapy using ionisation chamber and custom phantom. Phys Med Biol 2021; 66(18): .
Reijneveld EAE*, Bor P, Dronkers JJ, Argudo N, Ruurda JP, Veenhof C. Impact of curative treatment on the physical fitness of patients with esophageal cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Surg Oncol 2021; 48(2): 391-402.
Blanco-Fernández G*, Fondevila-Campo C, Sanjuanbenito A, Fabregat-Prous J, Secanella-Medayo L, Rotellar-Sastre F, Pardo-Sánchez F, Prieto-Calvo M, Marín-Ortega H, Sánchez-Cabús S, Diez-Valladares L, Alonso-Casado Ó, González-Serrano C, Rodríguez-Sanjuan JC, García-Plaza G, Jaén-Torrejimeno I, Suárez-Muñoz MÁ, Becerra-Massare A, Senra-del Rio P, Pando E, López-Andújar R, Muñoz-Forner E, Rodriguez-López M, Pereira F, Serrablo-Requejo A, Sanchez-Turrión V, Jimenez-Garrido M, Burdío F, Martin-Perez E, Estevan-Estevan R, López-Guerra D, Castell-Gómez J, Salinas-Gómez J, López-Baena JÁ, López-Ben S, Solar-García L, Pérez-Alonso AJ, Martínez-Insfran LA, Blas JL, Cornejo M, Gutierrez-Calvo A, Domingo-del Pozo C, Ochando-Cerdan F, Muñoz-Bellvis L, Rebollar-Saenz J, Sanchez B, Jover JM, Gómez-Bravo MÁ, Ramia JM, Rojas-Holguín A. Pancreatic metastases from renal cell carcinoma. Postoperative outcome after surgical treatment in a Spanish multicenter study (PANMEKID). Eur J Surg Oncol 2022; 48(1): 133-141.
Morales-Avalos R, Perelli S, Raygoza-Cortez K, Padilla-Medina JR, Peña-Martínez VM, Guzmán-López S*, Diabb-Zavala JM, Barrera FJ, Vílchez-Cavazos F, Monllau JC. Fixed-bearing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty provides a lower failure rate than mobile-bearing unicompartimental knee arthroplasty when used after a failed high tibial osteotomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2022; 30(9): 3228-3235.
Costa D*, Granada I, Espinet B, Collado R, Ruiz-Xivillé N, Puiggros A, Uribe M, Arias A, Gómez C, Delgado J, Pereira A, Magnano L, Colomer D, Lopez-Rodriguez C, Beà S. Balanced and unbalanced translocations in a multicentric series of 2843 patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Genes Chromosome Canc 2022; 61(1): 37-43.
Ioannidou C*, Busquets A, Ferreira G*, Marsicano G*. Neural Substrates of Incidental Associations and Mediated Learning: The Role of Cannabinoid Receptors. Front Behav Neurosci 2021; 15: 722796 (Acceptat).
Saba L, Sanagala SS, Gupta SK, Koppula VK, Johri AM, Khanna NN, Mavrogeni S, Laird JR, Pareek G, Miner M, Sfikakis PP, Protogerou A, Misra DP, Agarwal V, Sharma AM, Viswanathan V, Rathore VS, Turk M, Kolluri R, Viskovic K, Cuadrado E, Kitas GD, Sharma N, Nicolaides A, Suri JS*. Multimodality carotid plaque tissue characterization and classification in the artificial intelligence paradigm: a narrative review for stroke application. Ann Transl Med 2021; 9(14): 1206.
Bernardo M*, Amoretti S, Cuesta MJ, Parellada M, Mezquida G, González Pinto A, Bergé D, Lobo A, Aguilar EJ, Usall J, Corripio I, Bobes J, Rodríguez-Jiménez R, Sarró S, Contreras F, Ibáñez Á, Gutiérrez M, Micó JA, acronym 2EPs Group responds to the authorship of the principal investigators of the fifteen centres that have participated in this coordinated multicenter project. The prevention of relapses in first episodes of schizophrenia: The 2EPs Project, background, rationale and study design. Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment 2020; 14(3): 164-176 (en Premsa).
Gabarrell-Pascuet A*, Felez-Nobrega M, Cristobal P, Mortier P, Vilagut G, Olaya B, Alonso J, Haro JM, Domènech-Abella J. The role of social support, detachment, and depressive and anxiety symptoms in suicidal thoughts and behaviours during the Covid-19 lockdown: Potential pathways. Curr Psychol 2023; 42(11): 9237-9248.
Everson TM*, Vives M, Seyve E, Cardenas A, Lacasaña M, Craig JM, Lesseur C, Baker ER, Fernandez-Jimenez N, Heude B, Perron P, Gónzalez-Alzaga B, Halliday J, Deyssenroth MA, Karagas MR, Íñiguez C, Bouchard L, Carmona P, Loke YJ, Hao K, Belmonte T, Charles MA, Martorell-Marugán J, Muggli E, Chen J, Fernández MF, Tost J, Gómez-Martín A, London S.J, Sunyer J, Marsit CJ, Lepeule J, Hivert M.F, Bustamante M. Placental DNA methylation signatures of maternal smoking during pregnancy and potential impacts on fetal growth. Nat Commun 2021; 12(1): 5095.
Heesters BA*, van Megesen K, Tomris I, de Vries RP, Magri G, Spits H. Characterization of human FDCs reveals regulation of T cells and antigen presentation to B cells. J Exp Med 2021; 218(10): e20210790.
Ehrmann S, Li J*, Ibarra-Estrada M, Perez Y, Pavlov I, McNicholas B, Roca O, Mirza S, Vines D, Garcia-Salcido R, Aguirre-Avalos G, Trump MW, Nay MA, Dellamonica J, Nseir S, Mogri I, Cosgrave D, Jayaraman D, Masclans JR, Laffey JG, Tavernier E, Awake Prone Positioning Meta-Trial Group. Awake prone positioning for COVID-19 acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure: a randomised, controlled, multinational, open-label meta-trial. Lancet Resp. Med. 2021; 9(12): 1387-1395.
Zhao Z, Soria E, Varilh M, Covelo A, Julio-Kalajzic F, Cannich A, Castiglione A, Vanhoutte L, Duveau A, Zizzari P, Beyeler A, Cota D, Bellocchio, L, Busquets A, Marsicano G*. A Novel Cortical Mechanism for Top-Down Control of Water Intake. Curr Biol 2021; 30(23): 4789-4798.
Puértolas B, Juárez O, Ariza C, Villalbí JR*. [Universal prevention of substance use in school settings: the need for continuous monitoring]. Gac Sanit 2022; 36(5): 493-495.
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